One thing most people seem to misunderstand is that quite a few criminals would go unpunished by sharia. Criminals who commit zina, rape, adultery, and liwat, all of these require 4 trustworthy witnesses who see penetration to punish with the hudud. As a result rarely will hudud be applied, perhaps less than a dozen executions a year for adulterers at best for example.

This is why the akhirah exists to punish those wrongdoers who think they can transgress against Allah and get away with it. What would be the point of hell if everything is squared away on dunya?

This is something both progressives and modern traditionalists seem to misunderstand, too often I've seen people who think gays will be regularly stoned or sharia will punish every rapist with death. No, in fact even after witnesses are brought forth, the Qadhi needs to exhaust absolutely every excuse the criminal could have before punishing.

For example a man committing adultery in the dark in his house could offer the excuse that he mistook the woman for his wife in the darkness and the Qadhi will have to consider this in his judgement if it is a valid excuse or if he is concocting a lie.

Tldr: the sharia is there to make practicing Islam easy and to draw you closer to Allah, it does not ensure absolute justice, but one could say it offers more than other legal systems.

submitted by /u/NOCTISFTW
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