Ok I’m currently writing this at 2:30 AM Because I can’t sleep. Just a moment ago I had a pretty scary sleep paralysis experience and I need advice on which sura or Ayah to say.

Ok, a little bit of background…I’ve always had sleep paralysis. From a very young age that was something normal to be and I got pretty used to it. I would say the first time I got it is when I was maybe 10 years old. I would happen a lot so I started saying Quran before going to bed at some point I would even repeat the Athan if I was so scared. Now a days it more depends on how bad it is. I would usually wake up and say Quran or just wake up and Bismallah and go back to sleep and that will be it for me.

Well today I went to bed like normal. I said Bismallah before sleeping and slept. At around 2 AM I felt sleep paralysis. At first I just waited until in went away. I wasn’t taking this seriously at all and I was like like “ah shit here we go again” and stuff. Ok so a little something I forgot to mention is that I actually tend to feel pain in my back whenever I get sleep paralysis. This time it felt like it was more real if that makes sense. I just decided that when I wake up I’ll say Quran. Then i’m not even kidding it felt like a giant hand holding my wast and for some reason I can see that? That’s a little weird but I didn’t panic to much I do have a big imagination after all. It was when I started saying Quran in my head when it started to get aggressive. It actually got more painful and whenever I said something in my head it would get more painfully depending on how bad it is. I was like “oh hell no” and started saying more Quran. It was when I started saying “الله القوي وانتم الضعفاء” just as something that crossed my mind when this shit got aggressive. Needless to say when I woke up I said Quran (al Fatiha, Ayat al qursy, the end of Surat al bakarah and al moawithat) and then went back to bed. As I was laying there trying to get back to bed I felt myself entering another sleepy paralysis. I opened the lights and started saying the athan I also told my friend about this (they live in deferent time zones) and they said to say more Quran.

I’m sure the Athn will do it but if there is an ayah or sura specifically for this stuff I would like to know.

submitted by /u/Weirqueen
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