Peace be upon you all. I once made a mistake of haram dating this one man,constantly talking to him,being really close and just wanting to keep him in my life forever. Due to some things,Alhamdulillah we've broken it up,even tho my heart ached. It's been a while but I still can't forget about him. I keep telling myself it's good for both of us that we left,if it's meant to be we will be back together in marriage etc. But that doesn't help. What I had with him is undescribeable. The feelings he gave me,how happy he made me,how much we truly did love each other. I don't know if I will seriously ever have this much love for someone. Now I cant even listen to nasheeds without them reminding me of our time together, and making me want it back. I fight every day not to text him again,at least to tell him that I still love him. I want this to end ,and I just wanna move on with life. I need any advice I can get,and duas would be appreciated. May Allah forgive me and all who went through this sin.

submitted by /u/throwaway3629q9
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