i am an american. i converted to islam in 2016. never saw it coming. still cant believe it.

within a few months I was contacted by the FBI and they wanted to speak with me because supposedly a friend of mine had told them that I was distant and I had converted to Islam and they were worried about me. being a 27-year-old millennial I knew this was a lie because none of my friends would ever call the cops if they were worried about me they told me or my brother or one of my friends who I was still talking to or even my parents... before they call the FBI.

i had conversations with a dude at a mosque. I hated going to mosques at the time because i was afraid lf the taliban (im american and silly i used to bully the only muslim kid in high school, sorry) and this was the only mosque I felt safe at because it was inside of a very prestigious university in New York City. After going a few times praying and immediately leaving the imam asked if I would be willing to be part of a meet and greet, So I could meet other Muslims in my demographic. I ended up talking with a group of people who all eventually left to pray, one person continue to ask me questions... this is a middle-aged white guy who I also assumed was the convert... when I asked him when he converted he told me he wasn't the convert and that he's Christian and that he just likes to do a lot of Muslim outreach. it was very odd because he's a grown man But I assumed he was one of those Jehovah's witness type people who's always trying to convert people to Christianity so I just let him keep talking and I left. He asked a lot of questions about ISIS and violence and Wyatt it seemed to him even though the overall majority of Muslims were nonviolent the Quran seems very violent in him. I told him that self-defense is a natural part of being human and it's so so part of my religion and it's also a part of the Bible as well. I asked him if he really thinks Jesus wants him to sit there if someone breaks into his house and starts to rape his wife.

A few weeks later the FBI called me. I realize that the things a normal college educated loudmouth hippie kid can post on his Facebook page all day long will get him in a lot of trouble once he converts to Islam.

The agent who met me called me during lunch and I immediately said fine let's meet right now I met with him at a Starbucks and he asked me a bunch of questions mostly about terrorism. I told him that we blew up all these people schools and that's why they join ISIS and if he's asking what I would do if I was in this situation I would try to come to United States and open up a stock market account and invest in large cap stocks owned by the 1% so I could be a millionaire which is exactly what I'm doing now. He told me he understood religion and why I wasn't hanging out with my friends anymore and that it was most likely a false alarm and that he's sorry and that this happens to him all the time. He told me he spends most of his time apologizing to street vendors who someone accidentally called in because of some crazy cultural misunderstanding. I told him that I understand but I'm also an American and non-immigrant from some God forsaken country... And that it's a completely different experience when the FBI comes to me telling me that they think I'm dangerous... because I got up and pledged allegiance to the flag since I was a little boy. He said he was sorry. And I went back to work.

He gave me his business card with his cell phone number. I called him again later that day and asked him how do I know I'm never going to have to see him again and he said well you don't but as long as you don't commit any federal crimes you shouldn't be worried.

FAST FORWARD TO RECENTLY I'm having some personal trouble with a relationship, and I was also diagnosed with autism, I was very depressed, still am. So I decided to clean around the house and I was emptying out my wallet and I found the business card and I got very frustrated because it was a traumatic event so I gave the guy a phone call.

this was probably a big mistake. I asked him why if he was a Christian as he had mentioned during the interview he carried around a gun for a living. He didn't have a good answer eventually I said it doesn't make any sense my mom would never touch a gun and then he said well that's why because I I'm willing to do that because I know your mom can't do it. I told him I was a decent answer and that I respected what he's doing because I also love my country but that maybe he's not doing much besides harassing immigrants, like he said he did.

He said he had to go and then he hung up on me and I continued to rant through text message. I told him that maybe he has found himself in this position dealing with Muslims everyday and by now he probably knows that we're not very dangerous. Then I mentioned that nobody believes the whole friend story, that Americans don't call the FBI when they're looking for their friends. I told him that I never believed when Muslims would tell me that the FBI frames Muslims but now I'm not too sure.

last Friday I got a call from another FBI agent who wants to meet with me. I told him I have nothing to talk to him about and if he has any questions you can ask me on the phone and he assists that he can't because he can't prove that it's actually me. I told him I can send a picture of myself holding my driver's license. that wasn't good enough. He first denied knowing anything about the first agent then said he was reading me text messages that he has questions about.

I am worried that the FBI will frame me. I am worried that they'll make me like Lee Harvey Oswald. We just happen to have a Catholic president again. I'm worried that they have tapped my phone that they have spoken with psychiatrists. I'm worried that they know about my relationship troubles. I'm worried they will seize my Bitcoin. I never really worried about the Patriot act when I was younger because I wasn't Muslim.

He called me again and asked to meet with me today. Right after I spoke with my mom about potentially moving to Florida. I feel like they're listening to my phone conversations.

I told him I would meet him tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. in new york city.

I wanted to meet at a large public park but he refuses to do so. He continues to tell me there's nothing to worry about as if he's not an FBI agent. He is incredibly rude also. at first he told me he did not know who the first agent was today when I asked if he could bring along the first agent for this meeting he said that that agent was no longer in the country.

if anyone has any advice that would be great.

I already thought of letting newspapers know and all of my friends, except my stupid suburban friends who are still as dumb as I was before I was Muslim.

if you've got Muslim jokes trust me I've got better ones... So please don't waste my time I would like to not have to filter through tons of nonsense and get some legitimate advice

submitted by /u/thisisamerica33
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