September 2021

Ok I’m currently writing this at 2:30 AM Because I can’t sleep. Just a moment ago I had a pretty scary sleep paralysis experience and I need advice on which sura or Ayah to say.

Ok, a little bit of background…I’ve always had sleep paralysis. From a very young age that was something normal to be and I got pretty used to it. I would say the first time I got it is when I was maybe 10 years old. I would happen a lot so I started saying Quran before going to bed at some point I would even repeat the Athan if I was so scared. Now a days it more depends on how bad it is. I would usually wake up and say Quran or just wake up and Bismallah and go back to sleep and that will be it for me.

Well today I went to bed like normal. I said Bismallah before sleeping and slept. At around 2 AM I felt sleep paralysis. At first I just waited until in went away. I wasn’t taking this seriously at all and I was like like “ah shit here we go again” and stuff. Ok so a little something I forgot to mention is that I actually tend to feel pain in my back whenever I get sleep paralysis. This time it felt like it was more real if that makes sense. I just decided that when I wake up I’ll say Quran. Then i’m not even kidding it felt like a giant hand holding my wast and for some reason I can see that? That’s a little weird but I didn’t panic to much I do have a big imagination after all. It was when I started saying Quran in my head when it started to get aggressive. It actually got more painful and whenever I said something in my head it would get more painfully depending on how bad it is. I was like “oh hell no” and started saying more Quran. It was when I started saying “الله القوي وانتم الضعفاء” just as something that crossed my mind when this shit got aggressive. Needless to say when I woke up I said Quran (al Fatiha, Ayat al qursy, the end of Surat al bakarah and al moawithat) and then went back to bed. As I was laying there trying to get back to bed I felt myself entering another sleepy paralysis. I opened the lights and started saying the athan I also told my friend about this (they live in deferent time zones) and they said to say more Quran.

I’m sure the Athn will do it but if there is an ayah or sura specifically for this stuff I would like to know.

submitted by /u/Weirqueen
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from Islam

I’m not Muslim, but I’m researching about the religion for personal reasons and I keep thinking about this particular quote that I saw but can’t find anymore.

It said something like “Allah puts you through hardship to make you rely only on him” or something of that sort.

I don’t know if it was an actual verse in the Quran or something else, but I’d like to find it.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/claret_blue
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from Islam

What I can think of is avoiding girls in general (unless you're able to get into halal relationship duh) But ofc there's female actors and girls in games with "interesting" camera angles etc. So even while trying to avoid these things people might need other actions like tasbeeh.

submitted by /u/abdelmoezz
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from Islam
Why Exercise Is More Important Than Weight Loss for a Longer Life submitted by /u/cookie5427
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from Health

Asalaamu alaykum all. As the title says I want to become a better Muslim but don’t know where to start. My family is Muslim but not really practicing except for my grandmother and a couple distant relatives. I married my husband last year and alhamdulilah he is a practicing Muslim, not perfect but much better than me or my family.

We have been trying to conceive and it’s affected me a lot mentally to the point I feel I’m getting depressed, we also had a miscarriage and though I know my husband was sad about it, I know his Imaan helped him through it. I want to use this time to get stronger in my imaan but get overwhelmed on where to start. My husband doesn’t do his prayers but when I told him I want to start I could see how happy it made him and I’m sure once I start he will follow.

I feel like my prayers should be the first start but I don’t speak Arabic. I’m not working right now as I’m finishing my degree so I feel like I have a lot of free time, I have no excuse and should use it to work on my imaan. What would be the best way to start doing my prayers properly? I have a small book on salah and wudu, is it okay to read the book since I don’t have the prayers memorized? And any useful suggestions or tips for memorization? I don’t want to just memorize, I want to understand what I’m saying.

Any books that might be good to have? As I said I have a few on salah and Ramadan, a really nice one called the Ideal Muslimah but it’s pretty basic. I’m looking for something more substantial, especially because we want to have children.

Also, I’ve looked into the local masjids to see if there were any programs for women but didn’t have much luck.

I appreciate all suggestions.

submitted by /u/Macchiato9261
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from Islam


  • Abu Darda’ reported Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: If anyone learns by heart the first ten verses of the Surat Al-Kahf, he will be protected from the Dajjal. (Sahih muslim Book 004, Hadith 1766)

  • Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reports that the Prophet SAW said: “Whoever recites Surat Al-Kahf on Jumu’ah will have illumination from the light from one Jumu’ah to the next.” (an-Nasa’i, al-Baihaqi, and al-Hakim)


submitted by /u/UltraInstinctBeerus
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from Islam

Copper (439)

Dior Copper (439) 5 Couleurs Couture Eyeshadow Palette ($62.00 for 0.24 oz.) is a new(er), warm-toned palette that included a mix of matte, satin, and shimmer finishes. Four of the five shades were pigmented, blendable, and long-wearing, but one shade (#2) was more of a sparkling, top coat, which the brand doesn’t distinguish from the rest. Those who like the effect may find it works for their purposes as that shade is what brought down the overall rating.


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Copper #1

Copper #1 is a light-medium, golden bronze with strong, warm undertones and a smooth, metallic sheen. It was richly pigmented with a soft, lightly creamy texture that wasn’t too dense nor too softly-pressed into the pan. It applied evenly and stayed on well for eight hours before fading visibly.

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Formula Overview


The formula is supposed to have a "creamy and comfortable texture" that is long-wearing and has "intense color" (or "high-pigment"). There are five finishes that can be found within various palettes: matte, satin, shimmer, metallic, highlighter, and glitter, though there aren't specific descriptions by finish, unfortunately.

There were a few shades that seemed more sparkly and were sheerer, more like layering shades, while the other finishes tended to be pigmented. In general, the texture was moderately dense with the matte shades being slightly thinner and a smidgen powdery in the pan compared to the satin, shimmer, and metallic shades.

Aside from those more sparkly shades, the formula was blendable, pigmented, easy to work with, and lasted an average of eight hours on me (without a primer).

Browse all of our Dior High Colour Eyeshadow swatches.

Copper #2

Copper #2 has a transparent base with flecks of white gold and warmer, pale gold sparkle. It worked more as a sparkling top coat or a wash of shimmer/sparkle rather than a standalone eyeshadow, which may be just fine for some and a deal-breaker for others; I wish Dior had more insight into coverage-level for these types of shades. The texture was more powdery than ideal, which resulted in some fallout during application. It lasted decently for seven and a half hours but had some fallout over time. I would definitely use this one with a setting spray or the like to give it better hold.

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Formula Overview


The formula is supposed to have a "creamy and comfortable texture" that is long-wearing and has "intense color" (or "high-pigment"). There are five finishes that can be found within various palettes: matte, satin, shimmer, metallic, highlighter, and glitter, though there aren't specific descriptions by finish, unfortunately.

There were a few shades that seemed more sparkly and were sheerer, more like layering shades, while the other finishes tended to be pigmented. In general, the texture was moderately dense with the matte shades being slightly thinner and a smidgen powdery in the pan compared to the satin, shimmer, and metallic shades.

Aside from those more sparkly shades, the formula was blendable, pigmented, easy to work with, and lasted an average of eight hours on me (without a primer).

Browse all of our Dior High Colour Eyeshadow swatches.

Copper #3

Copper #3 is a light orange with warmer undertones and a satin finish. It had mostly opaque pigmentation with a soft, lightly powdery texture that applied evenly and blended out well. I found it was faster to fade than average, so I’d recommend using it with a primer underneath. It wore well for seven hours before fading visibly.

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Formula Overview


The formula is supposed to have a "creamy and comfortable texture" that is long-wearing and has "intense color" (or "high-pigment"). There are five finishes that can be found within various palettes: matte, satin, shimmer, metallic, highlighter, and glitter, though there aren't specific descriptions by finish, unfortunately.

There were a few shades that seemed more sparkly and were sheerer, more like layering shades, while the other finishes tended to be pigmented. In general, the texture was moderately dense with the matte shades being slightly thinner and a smidgen powdery in the pan compared to the satin, shimmer, and metallic shades.

Aside from those more sparkly shades, the formula was blendable, pigmented, easy to work with, and lasted an average of eight hours on me (without a primer).

Browse all of our Dior High Colour Eyeshadow swatches.

Copper #4

Copper #4 is a darker, rusty brown with strong, warm orange undertones and a pearly sheen. The eyeshadow had rich color coverage in a single layer, which adhered well to bare skin and blended out easily. The consistency was smooth, moderately dense but not stiff to work with. It stayed on nicely for eight hours before fading noticeably.

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Formula Overview


The formula is supposed to have a "creamy and comfortable texture" that is long-wearing and has "intense color" (or "high-pigment"). There are five finishes that can be found within various palettes: matte, satin, shimmer, metallic, highlighter, and glitter, though there aren't specific descriptions by finish, unfortunately.

There were a few shades that seemed more sparkly and were sheerer, more like layering shades, while the other finishes tended to be pigmented. In general, the texture was moderately dense with the matte shades being slightly thinner and a smidgen powdery in the pan compared to the satin, shimmer, and metallic shades.

Aside from those more sparkly shades, the formula was blendable, pigmented, easy to work with, and lasted an average of eight hours on me (without a primer).

Browse all of our Dior High Colour Eyeshadow swatches.

Copper #5

Copper #5 is a darker, taupe-brown with neutral-to-warm undertones and a matte finish. It had a soft, lightly powdery texture that had a smidgen of fallout but was mostly controllable. It had opaque pigmentation that applied evenly to my lid and diffused well along the edges without losing its intensity. This shade lasted well for eight hours before fading a bit.

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Formula Overview


The formula is supposed to have a "creamy and comfortable texture" that is long-wearing and has "intense color" (or "high-pigment"). There are five finishes that can be found within various palettes: matte, satin, shimmer, metallic, highlighter, and glitter, though there aren't specific descriptions by finish, unfortunately.

There were a few shades that seemed more sparkly and were sheerer, more like layering shades, while the other finishes tended to be pigmented. In general, the texture was moderately dense with the matte shades being slightly thinner and a smidgen powdery in the pan compared to the satin, shimmer, and metallic shades.

Aside from those more sparkly shades, the formula was blendable, pigmented, easy to work with, and lasted an average of eight hours on me (without a primer).

Browse all of our Dior High Colour Eyeshadow swatches.

Dior Copper (439) 5 Couleurs Couture Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Copper (439) 5 Couleurs Couture Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Copper (439) 5 Couleurs Couture Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Copper (439) 5 Couleurs Couture Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Copper (439) 5 Couleurs Couture Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Copper (439) 5 Couleurs Couture Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Copper #1 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #1 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #2 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #2 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #3 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #3 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #4 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #4 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #5 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #5 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper (439) 5 Couleurs Couture Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Copper (439) 5 Couleurs Couture Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Copper (439) 5 Couleurs Couture Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Copper (439) 5 Couleurs Couture Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Copper (439) 5 Couleurs Couture Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Copper (439) 5 Couleurs Couture Eyeshadow Palette

Dior Copper #1 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #1 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #2 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #2 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #3 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #3 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #4 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #4 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #5 High Colour Eyeshadow

Dior Copper #5 High Colour Eyeshadow

from Temptalia