Assalam-o-Alaikum. Just FYI I am 16M. Let's get started. I want to never get married and stay celibate.

Yes, I know very well Marriage is a Sunnah. And Yes, I know the hadith about the three companions who wanted to refrain from permissible things, especially Marriage, but Prophet(PBUH) scolded them and said 'whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not from us'. However, the reason those three companions wanted to refrain from marriage was just to be more pious and get closer to Allah, which is also known as Monasticism, which I know is forbidden because it is imitating the way of the Christians and the Jews. So, I know refraining from marriage for this reason is forbidden or discouraged by Islam and the Prophet (PBUH).

I intend to stay celibate and never get married not for the sake of getting closer to Allah, but for other reasons. First of all, I AM NOT GAY, nor am i Asexual or aromantic nor do i have any disability of any Kind. There are multitude of reasons i dont wanna get married. I have really high sexual desires. Like really high. The fact that I can't get Sex Right now is one of the reasons because If I can't get it now, then I don't want it later.

Basically, I really don't want to be attracted to women anymore. I Know It's natural, but I don't want it. In other words, I wanna be Asexual but I think that's not possible practically. Of Course, there's castration, but that is forbidden by the Prophet(PBUH) himself, and I also don't wanna lose my testosterone. I just don't wanna care about Girls anymore. I don't care Allah made this attraction natural. I want to eliminate it.

I'm probably never gonna feel the touch of a woman nor do I want to. I am never gonna be able to have Sex. I'm never gonna love a woman or be loved by one. Nor Am I ever gonna caress or kiss a girl. It's okay. My self esteem and confidence is not affected by all this. I believe I can probably remain happy in life without all that.

I intend to avoid women completely forever (not talking about mother or sister or aunts :). I just want to eliminate this natural urge. I just don't think there is any point in marriage. Yeah, righteous children can be a source of good deeds, but Ongoing Charity and Beneficial Knowledge also can. Just FYI, I Don't hate Women. I am not a Red Piller or MGTOW (Both Groups are deviants). I am not an Incel either.

Yes, I Know Prophet (PBUH) encouraged Marriage and it was a Sunnah, but it's not as if you are not a proper Believing Muslim if you don't do this specific Sunnah.

I was just hoping there could be some Psychological Method through which I could lose all this desire?

I was thinking another thing: How about If I prayed to Allah that He gives me the blessing of achieving my Biggest Dreams and Goals of my life and in Return, He takes away the Decree of Marriage from my life? Like Can I make a trade deal with Allah, that take away Marriage and Sex from my life and in return, give me what I desire? I know its a weird thought.

submitted by /u/AlphaWarrior5
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