'll begin with some background: I'm a Pakistani Muslim who has frequent interactions with Shia Muslims, including family members, and the amount of hate and misinformation regarding people of that sect on this subreddit makes me deeply uncomfortable. It also makes me wonder as to how some Muslims might feel on this subreddit, or a Non-Muslim, who may retreat at the sight of this all.

According to the rules of this subreddit (Rule 9), sectarianism is banned. According to rule number 1, it is not allowed to "generalize people and incite users based on difference in their belief". However, I've found such remarks across a number of posts in this subreddit, with blanket takfir of some Muslims being done over and over. There are several repeat offenders who unfortunately I can recognize by username due to the rage-inducing comments they leave, yet they have never been banned, suspended, or even had their comments removed, in all the time I've seen them.

I've repeatedly seen users claim a "vast majority" of some sect engage in certain practices. Just hours ago, I saw a user claiming that the majority of Shia Muslims believe Hazrat Aisha (R.A) is an apostate. I've seen more comments than I can count claiming those Muslims are all extremists, and others which forgo this implicit takfir and explicitly call them kuffar. These types of comments are not only lies but they fuel sectarian hatred and this practice is going unchecked within this subreddit.

Regrettably there are many scholars today which fuel this type of thinking, and rather than promote understanding or calling for reformation, they engage in blanket takfir, and spread misinformation. I've seen Non-Muslims being given Dawah very gently and with love and affection, yet more often than not the only dialogue taken in which the sect is mentioned is immediately followed by promises of the hellfire.

I will not ask for any person to change their belief. I will also not ask them to forgo criticism of incorrect practices, if they see one they believe to be so. However, I request that the moderation team members either resign and find new mods or become more active in policing the comments and replies within the subreddit so that those who engage in generalization and in takfir be banned or suspended from r/islam, as according to the already existing rules of this subreddit.

At a time when we are suffering from a huge number of people generalizing us due to the loud minority of extremists among us, perhaps we can look around us and relate to the pain we even today are inflicting on others.

submitted by /u/hshassan3
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