Assalamualykum everyone! I just wanted to share something that will hopefully serve as a motivation to dua your heart out as we enter into the last 10 nights of Ramadan. So to start with, MANY MANY of my duas have been answered by Allah swt; some instantly and some that much later but the sweetness of it still remains the same. However, i will only be sharing one today regarding my career aspirations.

Soo for background context; i am 21 years old now and female. Growing up, i have been VERY sheltered, i have never worked a day in my life or even volunteered anywhere as i felt there was no need to, and my parents did not want me to either. Last year at 20, i realized that i cant complete my 2022 graduation without a proper internship. Mind you, i didn't even have a resume at this point, and when i made one it had NOTHING except my name and education. My grades were not WOW and i couldn't list anything for my skills either. Anyway, i thought job hunting was easy so i began to apply to big companies like Microsoft and google (the audacity>.<), and of course, i got rejected since i have had NOTHING to show.

Anyway, the next 1 month was just me applying everywhere hoping to hear a response, even smaller companies did not respond to me. I felt hopeless and i turned to Allah swt waking up for thajjud and begging him to bless me with ANY internship so i have at least something on my resume. Right after i finished praying, i got a notification from this muslim youth group chat i was in, about a new start up looking for some interns studying IT. I felt like it was a sign from Allah swt and just applied, and the very same day the manager emailed me asking if i could do an interview soon. I agreed and i got the offer the exact next day. This was my first time working so i felt so out of place next to many of the other experienced interns, and as time went on i realised that this company does not meet the requirements of an internship my University wants. However, i also realized that i was just not READY for anything more than this company. This was Allah swt preparing me for what is to come in the future and had expected my dua of just wanting something on my resume instantly(2 days).

I stayed with this company for about 6 months before i had left with very few hard skills. I was now back on the hunt, but this time looking for PAID opportunities at a more medium-sized organisation. During this time, i saw a job posting from my University looking for a part-time admin staff, i applied as the way was REALLYY good and I wanted to be more independent of my parents. Now its early 2021 and its been 3 months since my last job and i am still actively looking and have not heard back from my University, i am still making dua and waking up for tahajjud from time to time. One day a girl i had been doing a group assignment randomly messaged me out of the blue, and we got talking about careers, i told her i was looking for an internship and that its been tough, she mentioned to me that the company she just left are currently looking for a technical BA and she would be happy to get me in though with the manager. From there, everything happened so quickly; i interviewed at the company(its medium-sized), and i also heard back from my uni as they wanted me to attend an assessment center. Within 1 week, i had two job offers towards the end of feb. I accepted both. Allah swt had yet again accepted my duas as i asked him for both the offers (I wanted my university one as there are no set time as long as you commit at least 2-4 hours weekly and the other one for experience).

As I was preparing for my first day at work i got a call from a big 4 company that i had applied to September for 2020, i had attened one of their events and fell completely in love with the cultutre and had been making so much dua to Allah swt for that specific company. If you do some research you will soon find out how savage the big 4 is with their recruitment and i knew i didnt match up but i still made dua with my whole heart. But anyway, they called and asked me to attened an assessment center, which is a full-day event doing different kinds of "tests and case studies" and then finally an interview with the senior manager. I prayed 2 rakah before and asked for Allah swts help and mercy, and Subhanallah i passed all the tests with flying colors. I had made it to the final stages, which is an interview with the director, basically the make or break.

We are now in the beginning of April and i have settled into my new roles at uni and the company (Which i am learning soooo much from!) I had my interview with the director and he told me that i am hired and he will see my at their central office during the summer. I recived my official offer about 2 weeks ago! This journey all happened from between August 2020 - April 2021. Allah swt has blessed me with 3 jobs going towards 4 (each better than the other in pay and prestige) when companies were slashing jobs like crazy because of Covid. He had slowly prepared me for all my roles, and i am now where i am confident in my skils and the work i do.

I cant emphasize ENOUGH how much dua i made during this time, how much i cried to Allah swt, how many times i gave charity from whatever little i had to get closer to Allah swt. Allah made ALL this and more possible for me. I just hope this will inspire some of your guys to make the most of the last 10 nights and ask Allah swt with everything you have! Remember, its so easy for him, he is the one who split the sea for Musa AS and made the fire cool for Ibrahim AS.

Anyway, i am sorry for the lengthy message and many typos! I am rushing to get some work done but i wanted to type this quickly. I am on a new dua journey (for marrige) so in Sha Allah i hope i will be back next Ramadan to update you all! Please keep me and my loved ones in your duas!

submitted by /u/oceanandriver
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