
I am looking for a job abroad. Recently I am considering to get a job in engineering, but it is in a FIFO (fly-in fly-out) nature to remote sites. What is the dalil regarding jummah prayer should I accept this job? Obviously I am not be able to perform jummah prayer if I am in a remote site. I understand if this is a temporary thing, I can be considered as "musafir", however the schedule is fixed i.e. I will be travelling on weekly basis, and have to miss jummah prayer every week, possibly for the rest of my working life. Is there any exemption based on hadith that I can follow on this?.

I am Sunni Muslim, from Malaysia.

EDIT: The country I am looking for is a non-muslim majority country, so there won't be any mosque or community nearby.

submitted by /u/solblurgh
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