Tw: abuse

This Ramadan, I’ve been thinking a lot about mercy. God is beyond merciful and forgiving, and its actually mindblowing. Ive been making dua recently that God would help me be more like Him, in terms of being able to forgive and be merciful to those in my life.

It took therapy (thank God for my therapist) and lots of dua, reflection and trying to just be still with God, but I forgive my abusers.

It doesnt make what they did okay, nor does it mean that I will ever allow them to abuse me again. But they’ll have to answer to Allah about what theyve done on the day of judgement. That is between them and the most just. I know theyre sinners, and I forgive them and hope that they ask God for forgiveness and genuinely feel bad for what they did to me.

But I’m free from what they did now.

submitted by /u/ZealousIdealKiwi
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