As a 19 year old teen, whos muslim I am afraid of the thought of having kids. I don't think it'll happen for the next at least 6 years, but I am still worried. So many things such as cartoons and TV shows will be a disaster in the future. When I was a kid, there was literally no politics in Kids Cartoons but nowadays they have LGBT stuff in them, that's attempting to normalize this in kids brains. Even TV shows has affected me negatively, made me question my sexuality as well, but it was all a confusing time for me, it's like TV shows nowadays force LGBT stuff and shove it to our faces.. I am here tho, as a straight male person. And I've seen cartoons do the same..

I can't believe it, but it's come to a point where muslim kids shouldn't even be watching modern cartoons anymore. Too many politics and normalizing in them.

Like I have no problem with LGBT people, but why can't they keep their private lives, private. It's hypocrisy that the western people keeps complaining about muslim wearing hijabs and other religious stuff, but when it comes to LGBT it's suddenly not a problem to shove it to people's faces.

Am I wrong in worrying here?

submitted by /u/CrazyChildOG
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