Bare with me. Basically my father the only reason he ever calls me is to get money from me. He emotionally manipulates me to try and get money from me.

He left us a long time ago when we were poor. He wouldn't work and was abusive towards us. He would beat my mum up silly in front of us, would shout profanity and break things. He would spend on himself but not us. Forced my mother to work and financially run the house. I never got on with him because of the above but also I could not respect someone that would drink without shame. He would womanise while he was with my mother. He left and married someone else. When we were poor and struggling to put food on the table he was living somewhere else driving a nice fancy car and looking out for himself. He never cared about us.

I miss him terribly and loose a lot of sleep over how I have neglected him. I call him sometimes when I miss him so much I cannot bear it any longer. He is affectionate towards me and we chat. After a few phone calls he starts to ask for money because he needs this and that. How he is ill etc. I am a doctor myself and I know he is making this up to get sympathy money from me. I realise he was being so nice so it could lead up to this. So I stop speaking to him. A year goes by and the process repeats. I am not a cheap person and I spend generously on my mother and my siblings. I do not neglect my duties.

I am really pained by all this. I love him so much and miss having a father figure. I know it sounds weird for someone who never really had that but I really want to at least hear his voice. But all he cares about is taking money from me. How can I be responsible for a man who has an entire other family. Is it not his responsibility to tend to finances for himself.

Please can you help me think this through. What is my duty here?

submitted by /u/Jazzlike-Cook8996
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