Purification is good. Hastening to do good is always good. Following Muhammad SAWs orders and suggestions is good.

The more someone does obligatory, and then recommended actions, inshallah the more reward s/he gets.

Doing lots of extra salah, dhikr, fasting and Qur'an recitation - especially doing the ones Muhammad SAW specifically recommended - is good. Of course, it's best to follow these recommendations in the way the Ulema have taught us e.g. how to perform tahajjud, what dhikr is good at what certain time, what is strength of the narrations that tell us the recommendations etc etc.

Things like Zuhd and diligently doing recommended actions were done by sahabas, and the first 3 generations. But I don't think anyone calls this Tasawwuf.

Teachings by scholars about ibadah and taqwa mindset are grounded in the authentic sources.

So how did the concept of tasawwuf come about, and why is it viewed differently from Tazkiya - which is in the Qur'an.

submitted by /u/abu_uthaymeme
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