Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters,

Recently I've been struggling with doubts concerning Islam. It's not so much Islam vs other theistic beliefs such as Christianity but Atheism. On one hand, I see these viewpoints and how they seem convincing because of their roots in science as part of my test on Earth as a Muslim, but on the other hand I struggle to find an answer to their arguments that isn't rooted in faith. This has only become worse the more time I spend on places like reddit and YouTube, where people are extraordinarily secular and agnostic, and this is even the case in my university (one psychology professor started challenging the class to think about God's existence as part of a unit lecture).

I love my religion and my family who practices it as well. But as I grow older I don't want my faith to waver, and these doubts currently make it hard for me to sleep and keep me up at night (such as now as I make this post). I'm sure questions like these come up a lot but what are some resources I can utilize to strengthen my understanding and counter both internal doubts and arguments posed by agnostics and atheists?

Thank you in advance

submitted by /u/superyoshiom
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