There was this Abyssinian woman cleaning the Prophet’s masjid and she was reciting a poetic verse:

The day of the scarf was one of the wonders of my Lord ~

It was the day when HE saved me from disbelief

Mother Aisha heard her recite this several times. Mother Aisha thought that it was a traditional or cultural song that this woman was reciting because it didn’t have any apparent meaning. So, one day Mother Aisha went to her and asked her about the backstory of this verse. The woman replied that before coming to Madina she was a slave girl of some Arab. Her master had a daughter whom he immensely loved.

Rich women of that time wore a peculiar scarf which was studded with brocade & gold. As it happened, her master’s daughter also had a similar Red scarf. One day while she’s watching the daughter sleep in garden, a falcon flew away with the scarf mistaking the scarf for meat

When the girl woke up and looked for her scarf, it was nowhere to be found. She called her father and they all began to interrogate the slave girl. She told the truth, that a bird came and took the girl’s scarf but nobody believed her. Everyone thought that she’s lying. They accused her of stealing and began to search her. She’s standing there pleading innocence while being searched. She’s trembling and shaking due to harassment. But nobody is believing her, now they started to hit her.

Just then, out of nowhere the bird comes back and drops the scarf. The slave girl now started to shout at them for humiliating her while she was innocent all the time. Being ashamed of what they did, they freed her!

But she’s got no family, no friends, and she’s been a slave all her life where would she go?

She had heard that there’s a new Master in Madina who freed slaves and made them his companion. So she goes to Madina, to meet her new Master- our Prophet.

Prophet realised that she’s got nowhere to go, nobody to rely on so he let her stay in the masjid itself. A small home was built for her inside the masjid. Prophet knew that she’s no ordinary woman after all the bird had been sent back by Allah to vindicate her. And out of all the places in the world, Allah made her stay at his own house!

That was how the incident of scarf saved her from darkness and brought her towards the light. Her entire life was pushing her towards the moment where she would meet the Prophet and stay at his masjid.

One day Prophet didn’t find her in the masjid, so he asked for her. Sahaba replied that last night, she suddenly passed away and since it was an odd time of the night so nobody told the Prophet about her. Hearing this Prophet became angry and disappointed. Prophet asked them to take him to her grave. Prophet pbuh prayed her Jinaza for the second time.

An Abyssinian slave receiving so much respect and love from our Prophet, indeed the day of scarf was one of the wonders of her Lord!

The accusation and interrogation must have felt bad to her but it was only to let her be free. Similarly, the pangs of the present might feel harsh but it’s only pushing you towards your destiny.


InShaAllah khair :)

submitted by /u/gwhr
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