Hi everyone!

I have a couple of questions on my mind for a while about some basic concepts of Islam. Short disclaimer: I'm agnostic and I don't know a lot about Islam but I don't want to bother Muslim friends about it. Try to keep it simple if possible, but as detailed as you think necessary. Hope you can help me out with this.

  1. The prayers: Why do Muslims have to pray in Arabic? Doesn’t Allah, if he is all-knowing, understand your prayers in all the human languages? Or should I see this as an exclusive party where you can only be let in if you speak Arabic, even when you’re on the invitation list?
  2. The all-knowing: Again if Allah knows everything, why does he even have to test us? He should know that we will sin or will/won't become Muslim. So shouldn’t he put us to hell or paradise right away? Or maybe he could have chosen another sperm cell in the mother’s womb who would become Muslim?
  3. The judge: What I understood is that even if you killed all of humanity (extreme example, I know) and you convert to Islam after that, all your sins will be forgiven. Now what does that make them a better person than me an agnostic, but has been kind and loving to a lot of people (by most earthly standards). Because in Islam he will be granted a place in Jannah, even if he has to go to Hell first. So to me it doesn’t look like you’ll be judged on your good or bad deeds, but you’ll be judged if you are a Muslim or not or how devout you are about it.

I know these questions are a lot, but it would be great if someone can answer that for me. Pick any question you like or pick all of them, I will appreciate it anyways.

Have a great day to you all and a happy new year soon!

submitted by /u/RealisticBonus9
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