The general kind of things across Level One of the curriculum:

Module #1 (4 months): What’s the reason of it all? - The time before time - Who is God? - How did it all begin? - Human history - Why am I here? Existential purpose - Abrahamic monotheism (Hanifiyyah) and the religion (millat) of Abraham

Often times islamic history is only taught starting with the final messenger, in this course it begins with the beginning. What guidance did The Creator give to the ancient Mesopotamians who lived in the fertile crescent (such as the messenger Abraham)? How did they worship God and how did they spread the message? Much of this is explicitly mentioned in the Qur'an but isn't explored holistically. That's what the first module partly does.

More details on module #1 (starting on 20th Dec):

Study of what God has said about the beginning and before it, the time before time existed. What was going on and what was 'out there'. How were the realms created, is there extra terrestrial life out there, and how do humans fit into the equation?

Analyzing what God said about Human creation, was it spontaneous, graduated, or evolved? What's the story of Adam and Eve and are we the product of their children sleeping together?! Are humans from another dimension called Jannah (and thus ETs) or have we always been here? How did humans come to populate the globe, and what does the great flood and the story of Noah tell us?

The module is designed to teach through telling you the epic story of how it all came to be as God tells us, and why He told us these things. A coherent and logical story that's rarely told and broken down despite being profoundly discussed by scholars for more than a thousand years.

This module continues until Ramadan 2021.

Module #2: Usul al-Islam: - What does al-Islam mean? What’s a Muslim? - Histories of submission - Islam and/vs Imaan - The hadith of Gabriel - The functionalist approach

Module #3: Imaan: What is it? The articles of Imaan: - Understanding God - Who are Angels? - The role of revelation - Who are Messengers? - What is the Day of Judgement? - How does divine decree work?

Module #4: Islam: philosophy and functionalisation: - The 5 bases of submission (fiqh and maqasid) - Testifying - Salat - Zakah - Fasting - Pilgrimage

Module #5: Ihsan - The undifferentiated whole - ‘Method’: Godly outlook in all matters - The states of the mind (aql) and heart (fu'ad): outlook (taqwa, war’, zuhd) and emotion (ahwal al-qulub) - Holistic wellbeing - What it means to ‘remember’ God: Dhikr and Dhakirin

Module #6: The hour - The importance of teleology - Analysing the trajectory of humanity - Eschatology

The Shaykh teaching the curriculum graduated from Al-Azhar and also studied in Makkah for 10 years. Among other qualifications. More info here:

If you're interesting in joining the course/have questions about the curriculum, you can ask here:

I'm not part of the Shaykh's team and I'm not self promoting. I'm just sharing this with you.

Thank you. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله Peace and blessings be upon you

submitted by /u/NeonGrey1
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