Hello everyone,

I want to start off by saying that I have 0 intentions of causing any debates, and it's just my family and I are desperate for help regarding this issue. A lot of the things I'm going to be talking about might be sensitive to some, but please read and understand. Any advice/help etc. will be greatly appreciated. (I'm going to do my best to keep it as short as I can)

Okay so, I grew up in a pretty religious family. My and my brother are really close and I remember for the longest time, we always loved to talk about religion/history/economics/philosophy together. We are both deep thinkers and love to discuss these matters. When it came to religion, my brother was a highly practising muslim. Prays, fasts, reads the Quran etc.. Everything was going great, I would always love our talks regarding Islam, and the stories. However, things started to take a weird shift.

It all started around a year ago, my brother started to slowly drift away from Islam. I don't know how/why it started, but his claim was that he started studying Islam, and going deeper. It all started by him saying that he rejects the hadith(sahih albukhari), and only follows the Quran. With time he started to get more aggressive towards this belief and saying that if you believe in it you're a kafir. It caused a bit of a commission in the family, and he was always stubborn and would not listen to anyone. Afterwards, he started to say that you have to follow the Torah, and with time he started to interpret things on his own. He would say that alcohol is not forbidden, and praying 5 times a day shouldn't be done. He would use the To*** as his main source. In the end, he started to disbelief the Quran, calling it a fake book, and a copy of To***. He disregarded the Quran , and wouldn't accept to read it or see it. Eventually, he only started to believe in the To***.

During this year, my family started to break apart because of him. I don't want to go into details, but he started doing crazy stuff. He would start a fire in the yard because he believes that praying is actually sacrificing an animal to god. It especially caused a lot of problems with his wife. He started to get mad at her that she prays etc. and now she has left him and they are getting divorced. She is planning on not letting him see his kids. My parents are heartbroken and extremely devastated, and don't know what to do. He destroyed his family, and does not realize what he's doing.

A month ago, me and him were talking. At that point, I started avoiding that conversation with him, but out of nowhere he told me that some guy had put a magic spell on him that made him hate the Quran, and that he started reading it again and he is awake. (his exact words) i was so happy and supported him. However, not 2 days later he was back to how he was. Today, I asked him about that day if he remembers it, and his entire tone/attitude/structure changed. He started denying it and said that he's not (mas7oor-have a spell on him), and that he's fine. I told him that I believe someone has been brainwashing him into this, and that its not him by himself that started to become like that. He told me no, and he denied it.

I don't know what to do or say anymore. He doesn't care that he's losing his entire family, and kids. I don't know how someone who loves the Quran and Islam so much would out of nowhere one day hate it with passion. We have tried everything (talking to him, bringing shiekhs etc) but nothing is working. That day when he admitted that he was under magic , and then today denying it and getting mad kinda made me believe that someone had truly brainwashed him or put a spell on him. The way his tone changed when i brought up the magic part was truly haunting. I cant even explain it, its like he literally turned into a zombie after i brought that topic up.

Please, someone just give me some advice or help, any kind of insight on what might be happening.

And if you need any more info please say so, there is so much more i can add but i wanted to keep it short. Thank u .

submitted by /u/Mroddfigures
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