I have been thinking about the latest events that happened in france and the response of the state and a lot of its people. The argument for allowing and promoting these caricatures by the state is that it's freedom of speech to draw these things and that this symbolizes france "la république" and its values.

However, france criminalizes the desecration of its flag, the desecration of its national anthem, the BDS movement, denial of the holocaust and probably other things that I'm not aware of. So why do they allow the desecration of our most beloved symbols? Why do they exempt some symbols from the "freedom to insult" and forcefully insist on including other symbols?

The reason is I think because religion is not considered sacred for the french state, and the french people by extension because they have been brainwashed by the "all-encompassing" state to believe so. The french state does, however, hold other symbols as sacred cows and they punish anyone who comes near them. Maybe the trauma of the french revolution and the extreme hatred towards religion is another reason for this position considering how many priests were killed during that period.

How do the french exercise their freedom of speech? Do they protest on masse against french weapons exports to governments that consistently oppress their people and violate human rights standards? Do they protest against their government for supporting a dictatorial army general in the civil war in Libya? No to all of the above. They choose to promote hatred towards a minority within their own borders.

They talk to us non-stop of freedom of speech even though france actually tried to limit freedom of speech in my country. During the arab spring protests in tunisia, the french minister of interior, in parliament on live TV, proposed sending french arms and personnel to tunisia to quell the protest and she said she wanted to teach the tunisian police state the french know-how in suppressing revolts.

France hasn't stopped being an obnoxious colonial power trying to force its will on others. They exploit the monetary system in africa and they exploit the natural resources of their former colonies and they keep bullying people to toe the line.

Maybe its time we teach the french state about limitless freedom of speech by constantly desecrating their most sacred symbols, zionism and the french state itself. Hopefully some countries wake up from their slumber and resist french interference into their internal affairs and abandon the french language while they're at it to prevent france from its ambitions of global supremacy on the backs of africans (a reference to macron's speech about the projected number of francophone speakers).

Edit: I would like to add that this isn't simply about caricatures. The french state and its elite hate diversity and they want to standardize all french citizens as if they were coming out of a production line. They had a fight about swimsuits that cover more of the body, they had a fight about people wearing hijab in a parliamentary panel and now their minister of interior says that he's shocked when he sees "communal" cuisine in such food aisles ( he's insinuating at halal food and recipes coming from mostly north african countries). France is embarking on a project of complete erasure of islam, arabic culture and anything perceived as foreign from their territory. This is similar to the campaign directed against the uyghurs in china but obviously its tools are laws and media instead of reeducation camps.

submitted by /u/datman216
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