As salamu aleykum my brothers and sisters,

as you all know muslims were a target of hate crime for a long time, but the incident in paris has sparked the fire in degenerates again. the worst part is that the scum mostly targets our weakest members, and they get absolutly disgusting with it. please, if your female family members wear hijab DONT let them go out alone. its simply too dangerous at this point, and please, go to your local mma gym and train there multiple times a week. you can only do light sparring, it will still improve your skills in a real fight massively. the strenght and conditioning training combined with the techniques and real time sparrings will make you surpass the majority of people in a real fight within months. also equip yourself with weapons for self defense (as much as the law allows it, dont buy a gun if its illegal obviously). i dont think pepper spray is illegal anywhere, its extremly effective if you use it right. these are dangerous times for us, we cannot let the weaker members of our ummah get stabbed, beaten, raped etc. please, if you are healthy, sacrifice your free time for training. its the right thing to do.

stay safe my brothers and especially my sisters.

submitted by /u/jahallo4
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