And the layman assumes that this statement is for them!
The interesting thing is that it shows that they and their students were working on the same principles of Hadith verification. This applies to Mujtahids only.
(Shaykh) Muhammad Wā’il al-Hanbalī
قال أبو حنيفةَ لأبي يوسف: ومالكٌ لابن القاسم: والشافعيُّ للربيع: وأحمدُ لولده عبدِ الله: (إذا صحَّ الحديثُ فخذْ به واتركْ قولي) فظنَّ العاميُّ أنَّ الكلامَ له ! - محمد وائل الحنبلي
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