I started to look into Islam around the time of the last presidental election.I found sence of peace in the Mosque and in washing before praying .Id be watching videos on youtube about the Quran. How women have rights including the right to own property. Animals have rights, it also mentions the Jinn or what most westerners would know as fayes. Muslims also didn't believe Jeuse was the son of God. I know I believe he was just a man who taught about a way of life and God.

I’ve had to learn to sort truth from culture. The media in the west has everyone thinking culture and faith are the same thing. Women are second class citizens and not valued perhaps this is true in the East . However according to the Quran ``heaven lies at the feet of the mother” That is a high honor. Yet when looking at western culture the moment a guy hears he got a woman pregnant he runs..but not always.

In Spring of 2018 when I got a call from my brother saying I needed to come but my Dad wasn't going to last much longer. Now I think well I just paid double rent. I started going around town asking for help, i.e. the Salvation Army, my bank to even try and get a loan, to the local church.Everywhere said no. I had nothing of value to sell that would cover the full cost of my travel and would cost me twice as much as to replace later on.

I was discussing this with a friend of mine when the idea came to me that I would beg for it. My friend said I'll go to jail. My response was “then I'll go to jail but i've been everywhere before this not like I haven't put out the effort to try other things.” So later that night I make up my sign that says “help need $$$ vet dad dying in Texas”

I sigh looking at the sign “dear God let this work” I say to myself before I go to bed.

The next morning I'm standing on the street corner with my sign and bowl.One block away from the police station and in front of an Attorneys office. I just waited thinking a cop was going to turn on his lights and stop. Looking back at this I can kinda see the humor in it.

I've gotten a 20$ here and there.I move across the street. I've only been out about an hour when this little old lady stops. She comes over and asks me what’s going on. I explain I've been everywhere to try to get some money to get to Texas cause my father was dying. When she said she would give me 200+$ . I'm in tears because of this I was thinking I'll make some extra grocery money.I thank her and in the rush I had forgotten to get her name. I've never seen that woman again.

The second miracle of this story comes when I went to ask a guy in the complex to take me to catch a bus. He said ``How much will it cost you?” and I told him. He said “for that much I'll drive you down there”. We got there in time for me to see my dad before he passed.

I started to read the Quran again.I started to talk to some of my friends about me converting Islam. They were saying things like you will be walking behind the man and you can't drive. They said I would be oppressed if I converted. I told them no that doesn't sound right. I had read the main points of Islam and if you look at the core values from Jewish, Christan, and Islam you will find they all have the same vaules at there heart.

Respect and honor your parents, Give to charity , Pray to God, Do good Deeds.

Life is a struggle, life is Jihad. Jihad where have I heard this word before? A Lot in the news. The word Jihad in arabic means to struggle whether with illness or money it matters not.

There is no intermediary between you and God in Islam. The prayer starts out All praise to God , the most merciful , the most gracious ,You alone we pray to and ask for help.Guide us to the straight way, the way of those whom you have bestowed your grace, not the way of those who went astray noir of those who earned your anger.

submitted by /u/SnowStar35
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