May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you all!

We have reached the ninth day of Ramadan!

The 9th juz of the Qur'an consists of the following verses:

Chapter 7: Al-'A`rāf - The Heights - Verses 88-206

Chapter 8: Al-'Anfāl - The Spoils of War - Verses 1-40

The first part of this juz', Surah Al-A'raf, was revealed just before the migration to Madinah. The second part of this juz', Surah Al-Anfal (the "Spoils of War") was revealed directly after the Battle of Badr.


Sura Al-A'raf continues from the previous section, with a reminder that previous generations of believers faced the same difficulties as the Prophet Muhammad and his followers. The stories of previous prophets continue, including: Shu'aib, Moses, and Aaron. The unbelievers were given many chances, and Allah gave them lessons to learn humility, but they continued to reject Allah and his Prophets. Allah sent punishments down on them in the form of earthquakes, droughts, failed crops, plagues, locusts, and floods, but this did not deter them from their arrogance. They would cry out to Allah in the worst of times, promising to believe and follow Him, but then when times improved, they would return to their old pagan ways.

The message through these verses is that we would be wise to learn from the past. We should give glory to Allah, and heed His guidance, so that we do not fall into the same ruin as those who came before us. As Allah says, "Evil as an example are people who reject Our signs and wrong their own souls" (7:177).

The lesson continues with other examples - expectant parents anticipating the arrival of their baby, who call upon the Lord with gratefulness, but then abandon faith after the child's birth. Or those who repeatedly ask and wonder about the timing of the Day of Judgment, when will it come? As if they are anticipating it with joy. Muslims are further advised to be forgiving, but to keep away from ignorant or arrogant people (7:199).

The next surah (chapter), was revealed directly after the Battle of Badr, in the second year after the Hijrah. This was the first battle in which the pagans of Makkah attacked the Muslim community in Madinah. The opening verses remind believers to fear Allah and follow the guidance of the Messenger when it comes to enemy booty. They are reminded that some people hesitated when called upon to defend the community, worried that they might get injured or killed. Allah reminds that He is with the believers, and that Allah alone can protect and help. Those who have joined the military ranks are commanded never to turn their backs, but to fight for justice and stay the course. We make our plans, but Allah is the best of planners (8:30).

submitted by /u/h4qq
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