May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you all!

We have reached the last day, the 30th of Ramadan!

The 30th juz of the Qur'an consists of the following chapters:

Chapter 78: An-Naba' - The Tidings

Chapter 79: An-Nāzi`āt - Those who drag forth

Chapter 80: `Abasa - He Frowned

Chapter 81: At-Takwīr - The Overthrowing

Chapter 82: Al-'Infiţār - The Cleaving

Chapter 83: Al-Muţaffifīn - The Defrauding

Chapter 84: Al-'Inshiqāq - The Sundering

Chapter 85: Al-Burūj - The Mansions of the Stars

Chapter 86: Aţ-Ţāriq - The Nightcomer

Chapter 87: Al-'A`lá - The Most High

Chapter 88: Al-Ghāshiyah - The Overwhelming

Chapter 89: Al-Fajr - The Dawn

Chapter 90: Al-Balad - The City

Chapter 91: Ash-Shams - The Sun

Chapter 92: Al-Layl - The Night

Chapter 93: Ađ-Đuĥaá - The Morning Hours

Chapter 94: Ash-Sharĥ - The Relief

Chapter 95: At-Tin - The Fig

Chapter 96: Al-`Alaq - The Clot

Chapter 97: Al-Qadr - The Power

Chapter 98: Al-Bayyinah - The Clear Proof

Chapter 99: Az-Zalzalah - The Earthquake

Chapter 100: Al-`Ādiyāt - The Courser

Chapter 101: Al-Qāri`ah - The Calamity

Chapter 102: At-Takāthur - The Rivalry in world increase

Chapter 103: Al-`Aşr - The Declining Day

Chapter 104: Al-Humazah - The Traducer

Chapter 105: Al-Fīl - The Elephant

Chapter 106: Quraysh

Chapter 107: Al-Mā`ūn - The Small Kindnesses

Chapter 108: Al-Kawthar - The Abundance

Chapter 109: Al-Kāfirūn - The Disbelievers

Chapter 110: An-Naşr - The Divine Support

Chapter 111: Al-Masad - The Palm Fiber, Flame

Chapter 112: Al-'Ikhlāş - The Sincerity

Chapter 113: Al-Falaq - The Daybreak

Chapter 114: An-Nās - The Mankind

Most of these short surahs were revealed at the beginning of the Makkan period, when the Muslim community was timid and small in number. Over time, they faced rejection and intimidation from the pagan population and leadership of Makkah.


These early Makkan surahs were revealed at a time when Muslims were small in number, and in need of confirmation and support. The passages remind the believers of Allah's mercy, and the promise that in the end, good will prevail over evil. They describe the power of Allah to create the universe and everything in it. The Quran is described as a revelation of spiritual guidance, and the coming Judgment Day as a time when believers will be rewarded. Believers are advised to be patiently perseverant, remaining strong in what they believe.

These chapters also contain plenty of firm reminders of Allah's wrath upon those who reject faith. For example, in Surah Al-Mursalat (77th chapter) there is a verse which is repeated ten times: "Oh, woe to the rejectors of Truth!" Hell is often described as a place of suffering for those who deny the existence of God and those who demand to see "proof."

This entire juz' has a special name and a special place in Islamic practice. This juz' is often called juz' amma, a name which reflects the first word of the first verse of this section (78:1). It is usually the first part of the Quran that children and new Muslims learn to read, although it comes at the end of the Quran. This is because the chapters are shorter and easier to read/grasp, and the messages revealed in this section are most fundamental to a Muslim's faith.

submitted by /u/h4qq
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