Many people are unaware of what “Bismillāh” means, and this is indicative of a deficiency in their Tawhīd. This is the reason the scholars emphasise on it.

Since Bismillāh means you’re ‘solely’ utilizing the name of Allāh in every action you do, restricting your ‘Ibādah to Allāh & no one else. Do the christians use the name of Allāh? Yes they do, but they don’t solely “utilise” Allāh’s name, but rather also include ‘Īsā & the holy spirit.

As a muwahhid, it’s necessary that you know what Bismillāh means, otherwise your understanding of Tawhīd & niyyah is deficient, as Rasūlullāh صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “Actions are by intentions”, i.e. so it’s crucial you purify your intention with pure Tawhīd.

For this reason, Shaykh al-‘Allāmah Ahmad Ibn ‘Awdh al-Mirdāwī al-Hanbalī (رحمه الله) said:

(الاشتغال بعلم التوحيد يحتاج لمعرفة: اللغة، والحقيقة والمجاز، وفني البلاغة والبيان، والعلوم العقلية والشرعية). ‏

“Pre-occupying oneself in the science of Tawhīd requires understanding; The arabic language, literal and metaphorical meanings, the fields of Balāgha & Bayān, along with the intellectual and Islamic sciences.”

submitted by /u/randombengali01
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