Voting for someone, just because he/she is the lesser of two evils, is like saying doing a lesser sin is okay instead of a larger one, and forgetting that you don't have to sin at all.

We need to stop being so political, yes we try our best in this dunya, but deen overshadows it all.

Choosing someone as your leader is a very serious process. It is literally the reason why our Ummah is fractured today. If we place our name behind a candidate, that means we fully support them. Regardless of the effects that has in this world, there is a chance that God will hold us accountable for the person we chose to elect, and the actions they take, especially if they made their stance public prior to elections.

We have to remember that both sides of the American divide, left and right, do not see Islam as a good thing - we shouldn't be fooled into thinking that one side is completely supportive of us over another.

This might be uncomfortable to hear, especially in this politically charged world where somehow we are led to believe that we only have two choices, but sticking to the middle path and making a choice that pleases God is always the best option, even if it takes longer to see the fruit of that route in this dunya.

submitted by /u/Onetimehelper
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