
If anyone's watched the show black mirror it'll make it easier to explain. If anyone has studied history then again, it'll be easy to explain.

The Muslims have been demonized just like so many nations before us have been demonized. The example so many people know about because it's taught in every school around the world is the Jews with the Holocaust. When someone is a monster in your eyes, it's so much easier to kill them.

In black mirror they had an episode where, using augmented reality, the soldiers saw the people they were killing as literal monsters, "roaches". What's interesting is cockroaches are such insignificant creatures to humans we feel no regret killing them. Imagine driving down the highway, how many bugs do we kill that hit our car? We feel nothing except disgust at the mess left behind.

Now realise that's how the people killing Muslims today feel. Add to that the pent up anger that built up thanks to the media. I know people today still don't like touching the topic of 9/11. Of course, the fire had started long before that. That day was where people in the west actually began to notice it. They were blinded to the truth.

The tradition in Islam is not to accept anything at face value. If someone tells you something, first check that person's character. Can you trust them? I mean just look at how strict our scholars were with the hadith. It shows a great desire to adhere to the truth.

Anyway, that fire had been fueled and reached the point we're at today. Even more unfortunate, the fire was simply meant to get people angry. Human lives are "insignificant" in the greater picture of the world.

If the Muslims in India started retaliating it'd lead to a civil war. Any Muslim nations are required, it's in the Qur'an, to aid the Muslims. If we're true Muslims, we would be dragged into that civil war which would cause an even greater war. Allies would be dragged in causing another world war. Now, the Muslims SHOULD retaliate. The people behind it know Islam better than us lol, they trapped us. By not fighting back we're disobeying Allah. But to fight back means the war they're looking for. Or maybe the cowardice of the Muslim Ummah today would allow us to be wiped out and replaced with "moderate Muslims" which are more acceptable to the polytheists.

The people behind all of this crap are safely sitting back somewhere watching as the world burns down.

I think there's another solution to this problem where conflict can, possibly, be avoided. The Muslims need a proper home, not a hypocritical Islamic nation which uses a polytheistic governing system (Democracy), but a proper Islamic one. We can work to get some place, I mean if Russia offered the area near Mongolia to the Jews and they refused, if they're willing to give that option again we could probably go with that. I really don't want to give up Jerusalem, Mecca, or Medina... but even the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam gave up Mecca out of requirement.

For any fool that would argue "we first need to fix ourselves before having a caliphate", why do you pray salat in Jama't? why not first pray alone to perfect your prayer then go to the masjid? It's about leadership. Right now the Muslims are homeless and headless.

There are a lot of good scholars today that are being killed, shunned, or allowed to fade into obscurity that could lead us to a brighter future. We don't need to fight anyone, as Muslims we know the next life is much better than this one so why would we care if we have the latest smart phone or good cars or whatever bs.

I don't care what people say about him, if it were up to me I'd say we make Shaykh Hamza Yusuf our Caliph. He has a good understanding of the world and understands the effects of things like technology and the business we call school on society and families.

Of course, to decide on a leader, the Ummah must decide together. For that we need a proper meeting, not a summit where "Muslim leaders" meet. A meeting where the people affected by it have a say.

Thankfully Allah gave us that too, it's called Hajj.

submitted by /u/donkindonets
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