March 2020

I easily see why Muslims would say this about praying and acknowledging their God, but why Mohammed too? The Koran is to a Muslim the literal unadulterated word of God and it doesn't matter what other people think of those who brought it to humanity, right?

In Christianity, knowing about or caring.about the actions of prophets like Yusep (Joseph), Paul, or similar, isn't necessarily, only the belief in salvation via sacrifice (of Isa, Jesus) is, especially if you are a Protestant under Sola Fide.

Maybe it's a problem in my thinking but if I hear someone praying invoking the name of a prophet, that is kinda like making them divine or having divine powers which in Islam is impossible as only God, not even a trinitarian view but a literally oneness God is possible, so nothing else can be divine.

Can someone please explain this?

submitted by /u/Awesomeuser90
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from Islam

Let’s say, theoretically, a Muslim tourist in Mexico was captured and held for ransom by a cartel, and was not given water nor earth with which to perform ablutions. Would his prayer still be valid?

Thank you and Allah hafiz

submitted by /u/arisasam
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from Islam

I was talking to someone about this, and this question popped in my mind. I remember playing on the pills on the Masjid Nabwi in Madinah and feeling the breeze from the Air Conditioners on the pillars going up my trousers as I jumped on them. What has been your fondest memory?

submitted by /u/crickypop
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from Islam

I am Sunni and I have Shia friends, they don't know I'm Sunni but of they find out--what if they mistreat me? I heard the Shia don't like us Sunnis and they also view Ali with more respect than the Prophet Mohamed S.A.W. They even have artwork of Ali in Green and Gold robes with sparkling eyes. The US doesn't like dominant Shia Iran but is friends with Saudi Arabia which is mostly Sunni. I don't know if I should be-friend my Shia buddies. I'm in North America. The artwork of Ali reminds me of Jevohas Witnesses artwork so I think the Shia Worship Ali. Wow, so is Allah S.W.T out of the picture with the Shia?

submitted by /u/skywaybum
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from Islam
Let’s remember that hardships and challenges are part of one’s life. As believers, Allah puts us through such trials in life to test our faith. Else, how can we expect to prove our faith and our steadfastness to the Straight Path? So, the message is simple. If we are tested with hardships, then let’s ensure […]


I honestly never thought I’m a million years I’d ever get my head around learning Arabic to a point of being able to understand anything, even though I’m good at languages. I decided however to persist in my Arabic studies, mostly because even if I understand just one word of Quran or salah or anything else it’s better than nothing. And now when I hear Arabic I’m not hearing a bunch of random sounds but can actually work things out.


submitted by /u/HrabraSrca
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from Islam

there are concerns that the facial hair where the mask would cover, would not allow the mask to seal/protect as well. Curious if anyone has had this question come up with a local scholar / scholar they know. Not seeking personal opinions here at all from a layperson such as myself.

submitted by /u/babbagack
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from Islam

Aslamu Alakum,

I was recently able to invest into shariah compliant mutual funds on my companies 401k plan they provide us and thought I would share my experience. I have been in contact with Fidelity (which my company uses) and opened a brokerage link account to invest into shariah compliant mutual funds such as AMANX and IMANX.

If you were like me and were clueless on whether this is possible. Check with HR or the financial provider that your company uses and just ask if you are able to select from amongst sharia compliant funds to match. There are people who are hired to answer these questions for you (or at least direct you to those that are). If they do not, however, you can also request your company add shariah compliant funds.

I would also advise everyone to take these steps to your best ability as to not invest in non-shariah compliant funds such as the vanguard funds. These funds commonly invest into companies that deal in riba, alcohol, weapons, the private prison industrial complex, pornography, and the list goes on.


submitted by /u/Somalsoldier
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from Islam

Abu Huraira reported Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) as saying: By Him in Whose Hand is my life, a time would come when the murderer would not know why he has committed the murder, and the victim would not know why he has been killed. (sahih muslim #6949)

It does apply to today's day and age doesn't it?

And so it must mean that the end of times is near to us right? But as something to contemplate, consider that Ibn Hazm, one of the great scholars in Islam who lived a few centuries after the prophet and died 1064, used the very same hadith to explain what was happening in his day and age. Specifically, he says,

... sometimes they fight Zayd on Amr's account, and sometimes they fight Amr on Zayd's account, sometimes both in the same day, exposing themselves needlessly to danger, hurtling towards hellfire or running towards dishonour. About such people the Messenger of Allah (peace by upon him) has warned: "There will come a time for men when the one who kills will not know why he has killed, and his victim will not know why he was killed" (al akhlaq wa siyar #90)

so Ibn Hazm saw the relevance of this hadith in his day and age which was over a thousand years ago.

So what does that tell us? It tells us that we see meaning in things where perhaps such meaning does not exist. It shows that humans are very good at applying and contextualizing text in their specific situations and hence text and specifically hadith can be applied pretty easily in a variety of situations. Finally, it teaches us that only God knows the truth of many things and such and such a scholar, using this or that hadith to justify an opinion is just that - an opinion and not coming from God and one should feel free to form one's own conclusions based on a variety of sources as none of the opinions are really from God, but from the minds of scholars. They are 'best attempts' at the truth, rather than the truth itself and there are many such conflicting 'best attempts' from a variety of scholars.

I would highly recommend folks to read books by Dr. Brown to understand this point to the fullest.

btw, this is a re-post but I feel muslims would benefit from this message, that someone saying its the end of days because of Corvid doesn't actually know it for sure.

submitted by /u/hl_lost
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from Islam

Pokemon Go stock photo 7
It’s important to work out. It helps you maintain good health, keeps the pounds off, and makes you feel good. However, working out is also quite boring. You’re basically doing something over and over again for a long time for benefits you don’t see for weeks. A lot of people pass the time with things like music, podcasts, or working out with other people. However, some may want motivation with a little more engagement. We can help with that! Here are the best fitness games and workout games for Android!

For the record, there is actually a whole genre of fitness games for mobile that has nothing to do with the player working out. They are usually simulators of some sort where you build a skinny person into a bodybuilder or you build a gym or some such thing. This is not a list of those types of games. Every game on this list requires, or at least encourages, the player to work out.

More posts about fitness and exercise!


Price: Free

Achievement isn’t actually game, but it does a decent job of motivating people to work out. The app basically pays you to do fitness stuff. You won’t be able to quit your job or anything, but you should get enough to occasionally spoil yourself with something. Basically, the app keeps track of your various stats and academics use it as source material for studies. Every time you log your stats, you get points. You eventually trade those points for prizes. Since there are prizes, this totally counts as a game. In any case, the app is free to download and use.

Achievement screenshot

Burn Your Fat With Me

Price: Free / Up to $3.49

Who’s ready to get into the weird fitness games? Burn Your Fat With Me is a dating simulator with a fitness element. The game plays a lot like a Doctor Layton or Phoenix Wright game. However, instead of building cases or solving puzzles, you’re trying to burn fat. The player works their way through various in-game achievements such as doing 50 sit-ups in three minutes and those achievements progress the story. The visual novel and dating sim aspect is something you don’t see everyday. The one linked at the button below is for the fellas and there is a separate one for ladies as well. These are two of the weirdest fitness games we found. God bless Japan.


Price: Free trial / $9.99 per month / $89.99 per year

CycleCast is an interesting app if you have a stationary bike at home. It lets you basically take spin classes at home with real instructors, music, and other fun elements. The app includes over 800 cycling workouts in 20, 30, 45, and 60 minute increments. It’s not quite a game, but it alleviates the boredom of working out all by yourself with no interaction. There are several apps like this, including CycleGo, Arcade Fitness, and others that add a few game elements in from time to time. Peloton is also a popular option for stationary cyclists.

CycleCast screenshot 2020

Fitness RPG

Price: Free to play

Fitness RPG is, at its core, a simple mobile gacha game. It has the usual stuff like turn-based combat, various heroes to play with, online PvP, and a story to play through. It even has an energy system to limit how much you play. However, you can overcome that limit by walking. The app doubles as a pedometer and gives you free energy to play the game as you walk. You can connect Google Fit or Fitbit to the app so it doesn’t have to count your steps. The game itself is a bit repetitive and not the most inspiring in the genre. Its pedometer function makes unique, though, and perfect for a list like this.

Pokemon Go and similar games

Price: Free to play

There are a number of augmented reality games that promote walking around to get stuff. The most popular of them is Pokemon Go. You go outside, walk around, spin Poke Stops for loot, fight other players at gyms, and catch Pokemon. You absolutely cannot play this game at home and you get more stuff the more you walk around. Niantic has a few other games if Pokemon isn’t your thing, including Harry Potter: Wizards Unite and Ingress. There are also other games in the genre, including Jurassic Park Alive and The Walking Dead: Our World. Here is a full list of them in case you want to know more.

More posts about Android app lists!


Price: Free to play

Walkr is a hybrid of a fitness game and an adventure game. Players walk around and the game keeps track of the steps. It then uses those steps to move players around the game universe. The game has 50 planets to discover, various missions to complete, and a goal to help you reach 10,000 steps per day. The missions affect the game world so you kind of build things as you go. The game worked mostly fine during our testing, but some players filed complaints about the app not always registering steps.


Price: Free to play

Wokamon is a hybrid between a fitness game and a Tamagotchi style simulator. The concept isn’t much different from other games on the list. You walk a bunch of steps and it gives you in-game stuff. Players earn more Wokamons as they walk and that’s the center premise of the game. The energy they gain from our walking helps save their planet. In any case, it’s a cute little game with a surprisingly small amount of player interaction. You log in, take a walk, and then use the energy for in-game stuff and that’s about it.

Zombies, Run!

Price: Free / $3.99 per month / $24.99 per year

Zombies, Run! is a game for walkers, runners, and joggers. The game starts when you start your exercise and progresses as you cover more distance. There are over 300 total story missions to complete and many of them have you literally running away from a zombie horde and not finishing the level until you run far enough. It’s one of the original fitness games on mobile and its had a long time to mature. The subscription cost helps support the developer as they come out with new content. It’s relatively cheap compared to most fitness subscriptions, and we like that.


Price: Free / Varies

Zwift is another cycling game for people with stationary bikes at home. This one is actually a game. You connect your device to Zwift and then quite literally race other players. There are over 1,000 structured workouts, various games, and some other stuff you can do. The upside is that it’s a lot more fun to race people than it is to bike alone. However, the downside is you do need some sort of sensor such as the Zwift Run Pod or a Wahoo RPM Cycling and Cadence Sensor to connect to the app. There are multiple products to choose from, but you do need one to use this app. 

Fitness games on other platforms

Price: Varies

Mobile isn’t the best platform for this kind of stuff. There are a bunch of workout games for other platforms or, at least, games that get your blood pumping during regular game play. Some notable examples include Ring Fit Adventure, Just Dance 2020, and Fitness Boxing on the Nintendo Switch along with Beat Saber on the Oculus Rift and PS4. Of course, you have options like the old Wii Fit and plenty of others. If you own other video game systems, it’s worth Googling those platforms to see if there are any workout games for your consoles. 

More posts about Android games you might like!

If we missed any great fitness games or workout games for Android, tell us about them in the comments! You can also click here to check out our latest Android app and game lists!

from Apps – Android Authority

It's generally said in Islam that if you remind someone of your favours, it renders the good deed useless. Here are a few references -

"O you who believe! Do not render in vain your charity by reminders of your generosity or by injury.'' (Quran 2:264)

Abu Dharr narrates that the prophet (saw) said: There are three people to whom Allah will neither speak on the Day of Resurrection nor look at them nor purify them, and they will have a painful punishment' The Messenger of Allah (Saw) repeated it three times. Abu Dharr said: They are ruined. Who are they, O Messenger of Allah?' He (saw) said: One who lets down his lower garments (below his ankels) out of arrogance, one who boasts of his favours done to another; and who sells his goods by taking a false oath. (Sahih Muslim)

However, there's so many times when people act like you've done nothing for them and act ungrateful. When I remind them of what I did for them, they bring up this fact that you're not supposed to recall what favours you've done them (there's a direct Urdu word for this, called 'jataana'). Is it allowed in this condition? The intention is not to blackmail them but to defend yourself from their accusations and put things in perspective for them.

submitted by /u/GoneHippocamping
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from Islam

I've seen a recent flurry of posts of "Academics" mostly non-Muslims, teaching us Muslims how we never understood our religion for 1400 years despite all the scholarly studies and writing. How we misunderstood Arabic to the point non-Arabs want to interpret the Quran for us.

My Advice, throw their work to the sea. You can safely ignore them. We know about the scholarly tradition of the non-Muslims when it comes to Islam. For those who don't, read Culture and Orientalism by Edward Said and academic who exposes the writings of orientalists as pure fiction and lies.

Ignore their titles, they're meaningless when it comes to Islam. Our religion came through an illiterate man and through that divine knowledge we learnt how to understand the world, religion and science.

Someone who does not believe in God cannot lead us to a better understanding of God. Period.

submitted by /u/TruthSeekerWW
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from Islam

But true love for our beloved prophet muhammad can only come after you read his biography and see how he lived what struggles he faced and how he cried for us. That's why i made english subtitels for this incredibly well done series! I try to upload one episode each day so be sure to check it out! Don't forget to click on the subtitles icon on the bottom right!

If you don't believe me that this will increase your love for him atleast try to watch one episode , just one. And judge afterwards. Your heart will be more connected to him

submitted by /u/AbandonFitna
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from Islam


I’ve been reading the Quran as I’m looking towards implementing Islam in my life. I’ve read the Al-Baqarah and there are some verses that come off as misogynistic (assuming the translation to English is off) and was wondering if there are any websites that help clear up my confusion.

Forgive me if I sound ignorant or offensive, I’m just a student trying to understand better.

submitted by /u/GerardAlmonds
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from Islam

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from Temptalia

Due to the quarantine, I've had more free time and have been reading Qu'ran. I have a copy of the Qu'ran with an English translation (I don't speak Arabic), along with the Quran app on my phone. Every day I read the English translation of each verse while listening to the Arabic ayat through my earphones.

It's working decently well, but honestly, I feel as though my understanding of the Quran is very very shallow and I'm really only understanding an incredibly surface level of each verse. Obviously each ayat of the Quran has its own historical context, and of course, a simple translation will never cover that.

In High School, our Literature teacher gave us kind of an introduction to the Bible and he spoke a lot about the structure of the Bible, how its significant, the different themes each chapter has, and the narrative arch of different stories. Does something like this exist for the Quran?

I've been listening to a lot of Shaykh Hamza Yusuf's speeches posted on his YouTube Channel or the different Rihla's that are on Deen Stream and honestly some of them just move me to tears. All my life I've seen Islam belittled and insulted, mocked and humiliated, and to have someone of so much knowledge explain that our tradition really has immense value has really inspired me.

The Shaykh talks a lot about how the Quran at a surface level and at a first glance seems very disorganized. But he says after you really analyze it you see it has an immense structure. It's something that requires deeper analysis to see the beauty of.

This leads me to my cry for help. Does anyone have any good resources for an English explanation of the Quran? Chapter by chapter, what is being said, how it's being said, and why it's being said in that way. I've heard these are called "Tafsir", but to be honest I don't really know what that means or where to find it.

Any help is much appreciated! Forgive me if this question has been asked before, I'm a little new to this sub :)

submitted by /u/TheGreatEmpire
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from Islam

Source: al-Mu’jam al-Kabīr 7406 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani ‎عَنْ أَبِي أُمَامَةَ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَنْ قَرَأَ آيَةَ الْكُرْسِيِّ دُبُرَ كُلِّ صَلَاةٍ مَكْتُوبَةٍ لَمْ يَمْنَعْهُ مِنْ دُخُولِ الْجَنَّةِ إِلَّا أَنْ يَمُوتَ ‎7406 المعجم الكبير للطبراني باب الصاد من اسمه الصعب ‎6464 المحدث الألباني خلاصة حكم المحدث صحيح في صحيح الجامع

submitted by /u/Heema123789
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