The following account illustrates the Sahaba's understanding and experience of the kalima (testification of faith). In 170 AH someone asked Imam Sufiyan ibn Uyaynah al-Hillali about faith. He said:

"It is in both speech and action." The man asked, "But does it increase and decrease?" The Imam said, "It increases as He wishes until no more of it than this remains," and he held out his empty hand. The man asked, "So what should be our attitude towards those among us who assert that it is speech and not action?" The Imam replied:

"This is what people used to say before the nature and limits of faith had been made clear. Of course Allah, Glorious and Mighty is He, sent his Prophet s.a.a.w. to all humanity to tell them that there is no god but Allah and that he is the Messenger of Allah. Once they had accepted this, the security of their money and their lives was assured and they became accountable to Allah alone."

When Allah was satisfied with their sincerity, He commanded His Prophet to order them to pray. He ordered them to do this and they did it. By Allah, if they had not done this their first act would not have helped them."

When Allah was satisfied with the sincerity of their prayers, He told His Prophet to order them to migrate to Madeenah. By Allah, if they had not done this neither their first act nor their prayers would have helped them."

When Allah was satisfied with the sincerity of their hearts in this, He commanded them to return to Makkah to fight their fathers and their brothers until these said the Word which they had said, established the same prayer and joined the same migration. He commanded them to do this and they did it. One of them even came with the head of his father and said, 'O Messenger of Allah, here is the head of a leader of the disbelievers.' By Allah, if they had not done this their first act, their prayers and their migration would not have helped them."

When Allah was satisfied with the sincerity of their hearts in this, He told His Messenger to order them to complete the rite of Tawwaf and to shave their heads in humility, which they did. By Allah, if they had not done this first act, their prayers, their migration and their combat against their fathers would not have helped them.

When Allah was satisfied with the sincerity of their hears in this, He told the Prophet s.a.a.w., to take a part of their money by which to purify themselves. He command them to do this and they did, giving much and giving little. By Allah, if they had not done this, their first act, their prayers, their migration, their combat against their fathers and their tawaaf would not have helped them.

When Allah was satisfied with their sincerity of their hearts which were now in harmony with the nature and limits of faith, He said to them: 'This day I have perfected your deen for you and have completed My blessings for you, and have chose for you Islam as your deen.' (5:3)

Imam Sufiyan continued, 'Whoever abandoned any part of faith was a disbeliever as far as we were concerned. If this was from neglect we would correct him, but he would be lacking in our eyes. This is the Sunnah. Relate it on my behalf to whoever may ask you about it."

Source: Al-Sharia, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn al Hassan al Ajari, pg.104

Imam Shafi'i said of Imam Sufiyan, "Were it not for Imams Malik and ibn Uyaynah, the learning of the Hijaz would have been lost." Imam Ahmad said, "I have not seen anyone more knowledgeable in the Sunnah than ibn Uyaynah."

submitted by /u/bmrigs
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