I live in the west. Aunty lives overseas.

She calls my mum. Concerned why I'm not married or my sister. I'm only 23 lol.

Anyway she calls a few days later today and tells my mum she went to the village Shaykh who looked into wherever he looked and said I have "ta2ti3 Al Nasib".

That anything I try to pursue, does not work out. I'm very concerned at this point cause I'm not sure why this information has reached me ..

She then says my mum has kteeba (not sure how to explain this in English) - I think someone's written a curse on my mother. And the Shaykh has asked for a photo of me my sisters and my mother so he can ... "fix our situation up" because our Nasib is restricted lol.

Now I am going through a very difficult life situations but generally I have high faith and trust in Allah SWT as my protector and guardian.

I believe in God's timing as the perfect timing and I am comfortable inspite of the ugliness of the situation I am now in, if I work hard and I am patient then all is well.

Okay so now this is weird cause my aunty has used my social media photos and sent them to this Shaykh and I'm very .... Skeptical.

Im not sure if this is even real, if so can you refer to an actual Quranic example or a purely Sahih hadith (and that can only be from the 6 classic books). No folklore. Or "my friends friend".

submitted by /u/poisonelixir
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