Hello, I am a 14 year old white male living in America. I have a lot of African friends who are all Islamic, so about a year ago I decided to see what Islam was all about, and I was hooked. For the past year I have been in the process of converting, and there is no part of me that doesn’t have faith in Allah. My best friend is Islamic and from Somalia. We will be together in class talking to each other about Hadiths, surahs, etc. and someone will overhear us. They begin to ask questions and when we tell them that we’re Islamic they become even more curious. However, they instantly believe my friend (I am 99% sure it’s because of his background) but bombard me with questions. It’s as if I need to prove my faith to them. They ask me to recite a verse from the Qur’an or tell them the 5 pillars of Islam. I can’t lie, things like this hurt my feelings. I have even had a girl tell me that she thought I was pretending to be Islamic for attention!?!? But all of this to ask, how should I handle these things? Normally when this happens, I just remain calm and answer their questions but I am beginning to grow tired. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.

submitted by /u/cashhcarti2900
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