It’s hump day people, and you know what that means! We are halfway through the week, and in desperate need of a pick-me-up. What I normally do when I need a little dose of motivational spirit to get me through the rest of the week is turn to my favorite poet, author, and motivational speaker extraordinaire, Najwa Zebian, for a choice shot of “let’s do this” that even my favorite Starbucks barista can’t manage on a Wednesday. So, for the purpose of this little round up, yours truly dove deep into the recesses of the internet to find and share some of my favorite motivational memes.

Now, some of these will tickle your funny bone, whereas some will tug on your heartstrings, and others may just offer up those moments of epiphany you’ve been waiting for your whole life. Aw, who am I kidding, all of these will do the latter two. Funny is what we save for the weekend. But these little snippets of strength are sure to propel you through the final few days of the week.

So, guys and gals, here’s a little bit of mid-week motivation to see you through to that glorious light at the end of the tunnel known as “The Weekend”:

1. Peace of Mind > Everything


2. Take Those Risks, Bae: 


3. Just Ask Every Public Figure, Like, Ever: 


4. We Like Leaders More Than Followers: 


5. Fight Me: 


6. Put That Pressure Down, Boo:  


7. A Message to Remember Any Day of the Week: 

from Muslim Girl
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