Muhammad was wrong about many historical facts:

Muhammad said Jesus wasn't crucified (Surah 4:157-158). This is false. According to historians, Jesus' crucifixion is one of the most historically certain events in ancient history. It is an event affirmed by Jesus Himself, His own followers, Jews, Pagans, and virtually every group of people who could affirm it. Even atheists admit Jesus was crucified.

He said that Abraham built the Kaaba (Surah 2:125; Sahih Al-Bukhari 55:636). This is false. We know this is false because Muhammad said it was built 40 years prior to the Temple in Jerusalem (Sahih Al-Bukhari 55:636). The Temple at Jerusalem was built by Solomon around 958-951 BC, meaning that the Kaaba would have to have been built around 998-991 BC, but Abraham lived around 2,000 BC. So it's impossible for Abraham to have built the Kaaba if it was built 40 years prior to the Temple in Jerusalem.


Summary just Incase if you did not want to read it all. a message out of love. Before getting to the good news and bad news, lets cover a few things up. When we look around we see intelligent design, when we look at us we have objective morality (we know right and wrong) and a conscience, God has revealed Himself clearly to us through Creation and through His Word "The Bible is a reliable collection of historical documents written by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses which report supernatural events in fulfillment of specific prophecies claiming that they are words of divine origin, rather than human in origin." God is Holy and in His justice, and because we've sinned against God (whether from ever lying, stealing anything despite its value, blasphemy like saying OMG, lust which is committing adultery in your heart, hatred which is committing murder in your heart) He must condemn guilty sinners to Hell. But, God doesn’t want any to perish, but God is Just and can’t just forgive guilty sinners, so God in His love and mercy sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, which is God manifested in the flesh, God crushed and slaughtered Christ under the wrath of God and judgement we deserved, then Jesus suffered and died for His people’s sins, was buried and rose again offering salvation to all that repent (turn away from sins) and trust in what He has done. Understand that God is Holy, Just and Perfect and righteous, and we are sinners, who broke His Commandments, but that God provided the Savior. Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” believe in the Lord Jesus Christ we are saved by grace through faith in His blood.

Unfortunately we live in a corrupt society that intuitively knows God exists (through intelligent design, order, conscience, objective morality, sense of justice) but suppress the truth in unrighteousness, people tend to not like what goes against their pleasures unfortunately. Despite all the evidence (24,000 manuscripts, 9 ancient sources, 500+ eyewitnesses, historical scholars and professors know this to be true as well, above all the word of God) of the Lord Jesus Christ death burial and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins by repentance and faith, please would rather live a lifestyle of sin and be condemned rather than receive eternal life God offers as a gift by His amazing grace.

When we repent of our sins and trust fully in the Saviour to rescue us from our own sinfulness, we become new creations! “The old has gone, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17)! Along with inheriting our new identity as a Christian, a child of God, an ambassador for the Lord, we are assured a place in Heaven and gain the desire and power to battle sin. Whereas before, we were held captive to sin, utterly powerless and given zero reason even to fight against it, now, we are slaves to Christ and His righteousness (Romans 6:18). This is where true freedom begins! But, what exactly does repentance mean? And what does it look like to trust Christ exclusively.

Repentance is to reject your old sinful ways of living and make a 180-turn towards God and His good, righteous character/statutes. It means we feel the weight of our guilt before God and respond by sincerely apologizing for our wickedness, thanking Him for His pardon through the blood of Jesus, and living the rest of our lives to please Him — and Him alone. Trusting alone in Christ knowing no amount of good deeds can save you, and following Him loving the Lord thy God being obedient, faithful and enduring till the end. There will be trials and tribulations, but it is for our benefit! Humble yourself. Quit being prideful, relying upon your own good deeds to get you through. Please, there is nothing more important than your eternal Salvation, this isn't some fairytale, it's rather True or it isn't. It’s rather Christ is Risen and we can be justified through faith in His blood, or not. We are not just a body of matter that exploded from nothing, please think about this.

submitted by /u/GreatIsOurGodJesus
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