As salamu Aleykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh everyone,

What I mean by are we obligated is our we obligated to respond to people that slanderers of Islam and our Prophet Muhammad (Sal Allahu Aleyhi Wa Salam). Because the way I see it if we do not correct their gross misunderstandings no one will. I saw this thread on r/religion talking about Islam and the permissibility of killing apostates and it was a legitimate dumpster fire. It really hurt me seeing what these people think about our deen. I feel that we could not care about what these people necesarrily say about our religion because us muslims see Islam as the truth so what others say should not sway our beliefs one bit, however they also slander our religion and prophet muhammad (Sal Allahu Aleyhi Wa Salam) so should we care about what they have to say if they say things that are incorrectful and very disrespectful?

Also someone in that same thread is citing this sahih hadith claiming that jizya is acknowledged as humilation, and multiple hadith discuss the low place of Dhimmis within an Islamic state.

submitted by /u/NEJATI11
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from Islam
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