I have been confused about Islam for a while now (I was born Muslim, raised by “liberal” Muslim parents.) While it has brought me peace in many ways, I just can’t find myself to accept it and I find myself doubting Islam and the Prophet all the time. Running into the Christianity sub, I’ve seen so much bull how they try to reinforce their beliefs with no proper explanations other than “other religions are satanic”..... sometimes Islam seems like that. Just dismissing everything. I just feels like religion is ridiculous at this point .. anyone care to advise me?

concerning deism, I somehow still am attracted to the Islamic tenets, but I don’t really see myself adhering to the Quran/holy books.. I believe that God & an afterlife exists, and that the major sins are sins. I also believe that what you wear will not take you to hell, rather your actions will. I don’t like how Islam has established a patriarchal society....

submitted by /u/yyyyaaxdu
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