Meditations Part 14

A letter to the society that raised me

I see you

For years I believed this was me

But it was a lie

A lie intelligently woven by the fabric of society

The same threads that weave also constrict

The music you play does not heal

It makes us sick

Your social media is beautiful to the thirsty

But a mirage cannot quench

Our bellies are full

But our hearts are empty

The women you display are dressed yet naked

You tell us true purpose is to chase money




External validation

To seek that which is weak

Is weakness itself

A recipe for disaster and grief

Tell me that you are free

Tell me the ways in which you enslave yourself

I wish to know the poison of your choosing

Our soul is a gift

A blessing in search of the truth

To disrespect this blessing is to hijack it

To submit to your lowly desires

We fill to be empty

Why do we empty ourselves like this?

Caught up in the pursuit of happiness and truth

But you tell me where the depression lies

We live in an age where a man can marry another man

You call this “progress”

I call this a joke

The punishment on the nation of Lut

Was mentioned with extra time

To get it through our hearts

When you go against the natural order of Allah

You are violate yourself

The grand deception

To place the needs of the body over the soul

His river will be a fire

& his fire – a river

A perpetual deceit that his river is truth

It flows smoothly with many false promises

Better healthcare

Pure water

Upgraded facilities

Cleaner roads

Effective transport

Higher technology

Beautiful people

If the focus is on the external, tell me, can there be any happiness?

His promises are decorated shells that encase ugly lies


Your soul is screaming at you

But you don’t hear it

Underneath all the filth it is muted

Muted screams

Do we have eyes with which we do not see?

Ears with which we do not hear

Hearts with which we do not understand

Have our hearts sealed due to the lack of remembrance?

Remembrance of the one who created us

Created us before we knew what it meant be alive

The exterior is polished

A façade that feigns purity

Yet is rotten to the core

The soul screams and cries

From the inside out

Screams to be let out

When unmuted

The screams become deafening

Traverse the meadows

The green expanse

With trees so tall

They touch the sky

The beautiful riverbanks

and gorgeous trees bearing lush lead fruit

This is the natural order of the universe

This is where you belong

This is home

This society is all a trick

A lie


You can’t deceive me anymore

I see you

So, I wait

For that day

In which they will remain forever

I don’t submit to your lies

I submit to something higher.

submitted by /u/WeekWon
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from Islam
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