Day 221 - Meditations - Part 8


As the sun tucked itself just below the canopy of trees, it uncloaked its partner is a dazzling display of luminescent passion. What was once a radiant sphere of color, was replaced by a pale cascade. Barely revealing itself, it remained partially hidden, almost as if they shy autumn winds engulfed it, restraining its full beauty. Yet at that very moment, something else was happening. Under the subtlety of the dense thicket, a singular leaf had ceded its position on one the forest’s many inhabitants.

It quietly rest itself on my warm corduroy jacket. I glanced at it for a second and thought to myself how insignificant this was. A leaf. A tiny, meaningless leaf. Yet in this moment, I experienced something I could only otherwise theorize about. True Qadr. I was forced with a decision, I could either throw the leaf away, or keep it. And as quickly as the thought hit me, I realized there was a deeper purpose behind it. As I went on to implore the reality behind this event, I came to rediscover many important truths. Here are a few of them.

Allah has said nothing he creates is without a purpose. Often, we only look to that which we can see and touch as a creation of his. We think of his creation as physical objects. The sun, the moon, the stars & trees. Conversely, concepts, events, ideas and emotions are also creations of Allah. Allah created the concept of a specific emotion and fashioned it perfectly before allowing it to unfold and manifest in our dimension of space and time. This concept is illustrated with beauty in Sura Qasas (28:10) when Allah claims that he is the one who held the heart of Musa’s mother together. Notice how he attributes himself to having held her heart together meaning that it was not her effort. This semblance of strength was deployed by Allah to her. Nothing is created without purpose. It is up to us to tap into the recesses of our soul and seek out the purpose of events in our life.

Details are trivialities sometimes. I can’t remember exactly where or when it happened. What’s important is that it happened. Allah teaches us in many places in the Quran to focus on what really matters. One of my favorite places this happens is in Sura Kahf when he refers to the people arguing about the number of companions in the cave. Allah then goes on to say that no one knows their number except a few. In other words, scholars have interpreted this to mean that Allah is saying something along the lines of, “Drop it. Its not important. If it were, I would’ve told you. Focus on what really matters!” Sometimes we get lost in the details and attribute a greater importance to them than they deserve. So, in not knowing the where or when behind this event, I consider it a blessing. It allows me to focus on what really matters, extracting the wisdom and lessons behind this event.

Many of us are stuck in the “day in – day out” loop. We often forget or altogether neglect the value of being with ourselves and introspecting. This leaf itself did not have a functional role in my life. It was materialistically useless to me. Sometimes in life, things happen that seem inconsequential to us but if we read between the lines, we can find the purpose. What was meant to hit me indeed did. It was almost as if Allah had threaded the bow perfectly and wove that arrow precisely into my life and of course, Allah is high above any analogy.

So maybe its purpose was exactly this. To trigger this precise thought and lend itself as a mechanism for me to appreciate Allah in this specific way. By extension, it enabled me to write this exact combination of words, so in turn, it could InshaAllah reach you.

submitted by /u/WeekWon
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