Salaam3laikum everyone.
I'm a 27 year old sister from the US. It's definitely gotten to the point in my life where my family has started consistently bringing up the "when are you getting married" question. I'm not against getting married. In fact I would love to! Here's my issue. I'm what many people call the "fat". Not morbidly so, like a US size 12-14 (5'5").
I never want to be someone who ignores all the privilege they were born into, which in my case happens to be being a Muslim (al7amdulilah), being born to educated parents, growing up affluent, and objectively being considered attractive. I know I'm a pretty girl, I've been informed of that my entire life, with the caveat "if only you could lose a little weight". It's only recently (in the last few years) that I've started seeing myself as pretty and attractive (mentally, physically and spiritually) and I'm scared that once we start this whole "looking for prospective husbands" process, or even if I try something like muzmatch on my own, it'll become an issue and take a toll on my admittedly fragile and newfound sense of self worth and confidence.
So I wanna know... Are Muslim men more inclined to preferring women that are conventionally a more attractive body type than other demographics?
Full disclosure, I've had no difficulty attracting male attention. It just never seems to be from the Muslim ones. Probably for modesty related reasons, but I'm not sure. The entire endeavor causes anxiety and I know I need to have faith and believe in khader Allah, but tie a camel before you go pray and all that.
Idk. I think I've stopped making sense.
Please Help Me!
-Just another chubby Muslimah
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