1) Prologue

• ⁠There are many lives which the children of Adam will pass. They have been reduced to five

• ⁠First life began when Allah created Adam

• ⁠Second life is from when man enters this world until his death

• ⁠Third life is from death until the time he is resurrected after the Blast on the Horn. This is the "intermediate realm", the barzakh.

• ⁠Fourth life begins when he emerges from his grave for the Day of Judgement, to stand to be reckoned, the passage over the Bridge (sirat), the receiving of his scroll.

• ⁠Fifth life begins when he enters the Garden for eternity or the inexhaustable Fire.

2) The First Life: Life Before Conception

• ⁠The first life begins with the creation of Adam and entrusting of all humanity within his loins.

• ⁠Humanity was brought out of Adam AS to take the sacred covenant (mithaq) of recognizing Allah SWT's Unity and Lordship.

• ⁠This place in a valley near Arafat, Nu'man, and is referenced in the Qur'an by 7:172

• ⁠The covenant was then recorded into writing and fed to the Black Stone, which is referenced by the meaning of the saying of those who touch the stone during tawaaf, "Oh God! This is believing in You, fulfilling our pledge to You, and declaring the truth of Your Record!"

• ⁠This event serves as proof that there are many planes and levels of existence.

• ⁠The Prophet Muhammad SAW was already a prophet when Adam AS was between clay and water.

• ⁠When Allah took out humanity from Adam AS's loins, the Angels saw their vastness and said,"Oh Lord! The world will note suffice them". He said, "I am creating Death". The Angels then said, "Then they will never be happy in life", and Allah said, "I am creating hope."

• ⁠During this time, Adam AS saw one individual who was particularly handsome. He was told it was David AS. Adam AS asked about David's lifespan, and Allah replied, "60 years". Adam AS then asked for David's life to be increased, and was told that this had been written, so Adam AS said that he wished to give him forty years out of his own life. God had already written a thousand years for Adam's life.

• ⁠Musa AS saw in the Torah a description of a blessed and praiseworthy ummah, rife with noble attributes. He inquired about who they were and who their prophet might be, and entreated Allah to make them his. But he was told, "They are the nation of Ahmad". He asked Allah to show this nation to him and Allah made it appear before him.

• ⁠The progeniture had, prior to entering this world, an existence appropriate to their degree of knowledge, and the Prophet Muhammad SAW had a more perfect, complete, and significant one. This is referenced in poetry by al-Abbas, the Prophet's uncle:

Anciently you were good in the shadows, and in a storeplace, when the [fig]leaf was attached Then you came down to the land, not as a man, nor a lump of foetal flesh, nor a bloodclot. Rather, a seed which rode the ark, having shattered Nasr, its people submerged. You were brought from loin to womb; when a world passed, another appeared. Until your guardian House contained an exalted Khandaf guarded by veils.

• ⁠Adam AS used to hear the light of the Prophet Muhammad SAW glorifying Allah within his loins, until Even became pregnant with Seth. The light was transmitted to her and then to Seth, through generations until the birth of the Prophet SAW between his noble parents.

• ⁠Ibn Abbas commented on the verses 26:218-219 by saying that it referenced the Prophet Muhammad SAW's transmission from Prophet's loin to Prophet's loin as his ancestry includes Ishmael, Abraham, Noah, Seth, and Adam. There is no scholarly disagreement upon this.

Read the afterward of this chapter for the lengthy hadith detailing the ummah of Rasullallah SAW

3) The Second Life

1. Childhood

• ⁠Begins at birth, this is the period when man is culpable for his actions, and held responsible for adhering divine injunctions.

• ⁠Ends with death

• ⁠When babies are born, they scream. This is due to being stabbed by Shaytan.

• ⁠Only Isa AS was untouched, as per the prayers that Mariam RA's mother read, "I seek Your Protection for her and for her offspring from Satan the repudiate" [3:36]

• ⁠Some narrations say that Shaytan arrived to stab Isa AS, but could only touch the placenta

• ⁠It is sunnah to give the adhan in the right ear for a newborn baby and the iqama in the left year.

• ⁠This is meant to remind the baby of his fitra, of Tawhid.

• ⁠The Messenger of God PBUH said, "Every newborn baby has, when born, his fitra; it is his parents who make him a Jew, a Christian, or a Zoroastrian"

• ⁠The child has rights upon the parents and the parents responsibilies are as follows:

• ⁠to protect their child from anything that may distort its fitra

• ⁠to raise him well

• ⁠plant a seed of reverence for the symbols of religion and for the things God has made sacrosanct, the love of goodness, the practice of it, and its practioners.

• ⁠discourage him from evil, the practice of it, and those who practice it

• ⁠deter the love of this world, and to neither assist him in enjoying the dunya nor render it easy for him

• ⁠tell him to pray at the age of seven and to fast as much as he can manage

• ⁠prevent association with poor company and those who incline towards frivolity and laziness.

• ⁠to cultivate and inculate good manners and a love for goodness

• ⁠From birth to puberty, children are not obliged to pray, fast, or perform any obligations of the Sharia.

• ⁠The pen is witheld from [recording the deeds of] three people: a child until he reaches pubrety, a sleeper until he awaks, and a madman until he recovers [Hadith]

• ⁠Acts of worship done by the child before puberty are recorded in his Muslim parents books. This also continues beyond puberty.

• ⁠When a child becomes mukallaf (accountable, having hit puberty), God's injunctions become binding, two angels are appointed to record his good (right shoudler) and evil (left shoulder) deeds. ([50:17-18])

• ⁠Even though the child is now accountable ofr himself, he still needs reminding and guidance.

• ⁠It remains the duty of the parents to encourage and prompt the child to learn and practice what he learns.

2. Youth

• ⁠After the onset of puberty, the next stage of life begins: youth

• ⁠Given the energy and strength prevalent, this stage is optimal for doing good works, avoiding sins, and winning rewards.

• ⁠Remember that one of the seven who will be shaded under His Shade: "a young man who grew up in the service of God"

• ⁠God the Exalted said, "Oh young man, who has abandoned his passions for My sake: you are to me as are some of My angels"

• ⁠Remember the five before five Hadith

• ⁠The Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "Seize [the opportunity to make use of] five [things] before five [other things catch up with you: your youth before you grow old, your health before you fall sick, you leisure before you are occupied, your wealth before you grow poor, and your life before you die"

• ⁠A poet wrote, "If a youth has nothing to boast of when he reaches twenty years, he'll never have anything to boast of"

• ⁠Another wrote:

• ⁠If you do not prevail in the nights of the youth,

• ⁠then you shall never prevail, though you live long.

• ⁠Is most of your life other than youth?

• ⁠Take what you can from it, and neglect it no

3. Maturity

• ⁠The next stage is the "Age of Maturity"

• ⁠Ibn al-Jawzi divides the human lifespan into five periods Childhood - ends at the age of fifteen Youth - ends at the age of thirty-five Maturity - ends at the age of fifty Seniority - ends at the age of seventy Decrepitude - must terminate in death

• ⁠at this stage, one may expect to attain wisdom, which God gives to those fit to receive it.

• ⁠repentance and the return to God remain at the forefront for those fortuante enough to have God's caring gaze upon them.

• ⁠And when he has attained his prime, We give him wisdom and strength, and thus do We reward the good (12:22)

• ⁠Until when he attained full strength and reached forty years, he said, "My Lord, Inspire me to give thanks for that with which You have favored me, and my parents, and to do the good works that are pleasing to You. And be gracious to me in the matter of my seed. Truly I have turned unto You repentant, and truly, I am of those who are Muslims (46:15)

• ⁠it was at the age of forty that the Prophet Muhammad received revelation from Allah and became an envoy to all mankind

• ⁠it almost becomes clear at this age whether any particular perrson is ultimately intended for good or evil, virtue or corruption, for there are certain signs which appear and predominate, to the extent that if -- as some have said -- a main has attained the age of forty and the goodness in him has not become dominant over his evil, the Devil rubs his face and cries: "A face that will never succeed"

• ⁠Some scholars have said that the age of forty is that age referred to by God the Exalted in His words: Did we not grant you a life long enough for him who reflects to reflect therein? And the warner came to you (35:37)

• ⁠Imam al-Shafi began to walk with a staff when he reached forty and when questioned about it used to say: "To remind myself that I am a traveller".

submitted by /u/butwemove
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