The views expressed here are those of the author.

Today, in a country where communities are filled with uncertainty, instability, and the constant fear of deportation, President Trump and his current administration continue to threaten and bully minorities and immigrants. We, as a country, have become divided; at dinner tables, family gatherings, holidays, and at work. What caused it, and how did we get here?

Communities are being targeted and people are being deported, even veterans and their families. However, to prove there is no discrimination by the current administration, and that all the above taking place is not violating human rights, Mike Pompeo has been putting together a sort of ethics committee for human rights. The only problem? They come with bias. One of the people invited to the board is Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Hanson, a well-known Islamic scholar and the co-founder of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, California.

Pompeo announced the launch of the “Commission on Unalienable Rights” at the U.S. State Department in Washington on Monday, telling reporters:

“As human rights claims have proliferated, some claims have come into tension with one another provoking questions and clashes about which rights are entitled to gain respect.” He added: “Nation states and international institutions remain confused about the respective responsibilities concerning human rights. We must, therefore, be vigilant that human rights discourse not be corrupted or hijacked or used for dubious or malignant purposes.”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but this has “bad idea” written all over it. Hamza Yusuf, how could you agree to align yourself with others on this panel created by known fascists, those who hold anti-women’s reproductive rights, and so much more that is wrong with our current state of affairs? 

In 2016, Sheikh, you stated outright that we, as a nation, had “too much work to do, not protesting, not lighting fires, not saying, ‘Trump is not my president,'” insisting that “He [Trump] is [our president], and that is how our system works: by accepting the results and moving on.” Sheikh Yusuf, why did you tell Muslims not to speak out against prejudice from this administration? Why would you tell Muslims to not stand with oppressed communities against their oppressors? Islam taught us better! In the face of adversity and danger to surrounding communities, Muslims are supposed to speak up against injustice.

Best of all, you then went on to echo talking points synonymous with the Trump administration itself, insisting that the United States was one of the “least racist countries in the world” whilst attempting to employ the usual trope about the shootings of unarmed white people not being shown and shared across social media as frequently as that of African Americans. As if that wasn’t enough, you went on to claim that the United Arab Emirates, a perpetrator of the current humanitarian crisis in Yemen and a nation known to come down hard on dissenters, was a tolerant nation.

And, Sheikh Hamza, while you cozy up to the Trump administration, please talk to us about Rep. Ilhan Omar and the struggles that she has faced? What do you say to that? To the fascist chants of “Send her back”? To the death threats aimed at her and her family? Don’t you have any statements to issue on that front, since you were clearly too busy to say anything about the Muslim ban? Sheikh Hamza, do you think you’ll get a pass on the Day of Judgement? Or are you more concerned with this life? I have always wondered why so much oppression against Muslim women has been able to happen without significant consequences, and I now know why. It’s because of hypocrites like you, who pick and choose what to speak out on.

To elaborate further on the travesty of joining this new committee, I will say to my brother-in-Islam, what in the world were you thinking? I really need to know. You’re either confused or delusional. But wait, I suppose that’s who you have always been. In 2001, you expressed agreement with the words of Margaret Thatcher, who felt that Muslims hadn’t done enough to condemn the horrific events on September 11th. You sided with an administration that wanted to bomb Muslim-majority countries in the name of “fighting terrorism.” Only, we now know that those countries were in no way linked to any type of terrorism. What happened there, Sheikh? I wonder, did you lose any sleep over that? Islam is against all forms of violence, whether against a man, woman, child, animal, or vegetation.

I am a proud Arab American Muslim, and I believe in this country. I love this country, and I would do anything to protect it without contributing to the destruction of others. Want to know how? By speaking truth. Stand against hate, prejudice, and stand alongside fellow Americans who are suffering.

Sheikh, the correct course of action would have been to take a stand against hate, bigotry, racism, and violence by politely declining the invitation and publicly stating why. You aren’t doing Muslims any favors by being complicit or joining ranks.

Islam taught me compassion, understanding and to respect all of God’s creation. My religion taught me to respect the laws of the land I inhabit. It taught me to respect everyone, show mercy, and remember that I’m only a vessel and a piece of flesh. Nothing gives anyone the right to feel superior over another human. God created us, and to Him we shall return with all our deeds. Muslims are not supposed to ever align themselves with aggressors who are contributing to the pain of others. This means even other Muslims who may be the perpetrators of oppression.

Hamza Yusuf, I try to tell myself that the reason you joined this panel is probably because you think you can make a difference, but here’s what I think as a Muslim: Sheikh, the correct course of action would have been to take a stand against hate, bigotry, racism, and violence by politely declining the invitation and publicly stating why. You aren’t doing Muslims any favors by being complicit or joining ranks. Good luck trying to change anything, but hey, maybe in some alternate world you can.

For too long, Muslim Americans stayed in the shadows, but that time has now passed. We are all Americans, so don’t you dare try to put us into categories! I can assure you, I am far more American than you will ever be, and I don’t intend to be silent while my very being and the existence of my sisters is being attacked!

“انا الرجال قوامون علا النساء.” ً

Do you remember this verse, Sheikh? I wonder what you have to say about it. I’d love to have a discussion with you, and get your side, even though I have come at you with full force, but remember that the blood that runs through my veins is the blood of my ancestors; that of strong, powerful, passionate, intelligent courageous women. Aisha, Khadija, Maryam, and Khoula bint Alazwar are the women I remember when I see men like you. Salaam.

from Muslim Girl
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