Assalaam Wa Alaikum,

I've been wanting to play this game which comes out next month called 'Fire Emblem Three Houses' a turn based JRPG, however magic is an element in the game and has 2 variants. White/Light Magic being heals and Black/Dark Magic being offensive attacks (elemental based mostly and can alter stats of enemies and characters themselves). What's freaking me out is the fact that black magic is used as a term and I know it's not real considering a lot of video games are just code, special effects and character models and I'm probably being a bit too paranoid but considering Black Magic is a huge sin and is a term being used in the game, it's just worrying me and I'm probably taking it a bit too literal. I can always use other characters that are more melee based and avoid Magic altogether.

Some help would be nice just to ease my worries and sorry if this post feels like a troll post or a post in the wrong subreddit.

submitted by /u/PotatoMachine5000
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