Let it be clear, I don't bear any hatred, but I don't really understand this reasoning.

I understand that child brides were ubiquitous at the time and no one condemned them, but I don't see how we could discard the permissibility of sexual intercourse with children due to changes in the social framework, when (non-progressive) Islam generally does not do this in regard to anything else, and Mohammed's example is supposed to be the example for all times, not just the time of 7th century Arabia. We're all supposed to emulate the way he lived; after all, Muslim men must grow long beards because that's what he did despite there being no quranic command to do so, despite the fashion having changed very much since that time.

For example, pork is forbidden because it was unsanitary back then even though modern hygiene has made it safe, polygyny is allowed because historically it was the practice even though it is now nearly universally seen as misogynistic since women are not given the same permissions, why is the permissibility of child brides something that can change when these do not and will never change?

I doubt that children physically matured faster then because from what I know children in 2019 actually are experiencing puberty unusually early compared to the generations before them due to diet—in Shakespearean times for example Romeo and Juliet were both supposed to be prepubescent despite the fact that Juliet was about 15. Furthermore even assuming Aisha had her menstrual period at 9, it's very unlikely that she was ready for sex internally without inevitable tearing and injury, and certainly not any resulting pregnancy and childbirth without near-certain death since the hips do not widen until several years after the menstrual period, albeit Mohammed wasn't aware of modern science, but the point is "she matured faster" is not a good defense and put her at the risk of grievous bodily harm—is Mohammed not infallible? Allah would certainly have told the prophet, you are going to injure and possibly kill your wife having sex with her when she is so young, please wait a little longer...

submitted by /u/brinkworthspoon
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