Satan Awaits Your Rise, Not Your Downfall in Surah Al-Araf

Certain ideas in our minds can make perfect sense, and we can find the logic behind it. But sometimes when those ideas relate to the unseen, we can't ever be too sure. Sometimes we find that what Allah has revealed to us is something entirely different than our original presumptions.

We tend to think of Shaytan being solely focused on those who are a lost cause, or those who have gone astray. We don't think that he has anything to do with those who have just found the path, or those that are already guided. This is a natural idea in itself, it does have some logical backing. But is it true?

When Allah and Shaytan have their notable conversation before the trial of all humanity on Earth, Shaytan makes an intriguing promise:

Surah Al-Araf (7): Verse 16

Satan makes the promise that he will actually be waiting to ambush anyone that goes on Allah's straight path. We learn here about the focus of the satanic agenda: Going after the ones that are trying. Whether trying to stay on the path or to go back on it.

When we think about this verse in terms of those brothers and sisters around us who may be trying: we can't be superficial in our thinking, believing that it's easy for anyone trying to find their path to Allah. These people actually have a very hard time making these transition and so they need support, encouragement and empowerment as much as we give them. Unfortuneately in the secular climate today, we almost alienate these people because they come as strange with their new lifestyle choices and efforts to seek Allah's pleasure.

If we won't give them their needed attention, we now know who will.

Lastly, when we think about our ownselves: one implication of this is when we find that we are trying something new to come close to Allah, we may completely lose track in doing that same act again. Theses distractions seem to take over even more aggressively, and now we are ble to have an idea why.

Don't be surprised that things start popping out of nowhere the moment you decided to have a change of heart with new habits for your faith. Don't be surprised that you keep getting suggestions to do other things the moment you decide to walk to the mosque. He doesn't rest, when it comes to your inclinations to rise. He only rests when you put your faith to sleep.

And so every-time you elevate yourself with a deed or a repentence, keep following up and plan ahead, otherwise, it will be Iblees who will work harder to make that agenda for you.

لَأَقْعُدَنَّ لَهُمْ صِرَاطَكَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ

{Disclaimer: This is not a Tafsir but a personal reflection on the established meanings amongst our scholars}

submitted by /u/somemuslimkid
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