I come from an Islamic family and outside my father I'm the most religious one from my brothers. The past few months all I can think about is Allah. How can I just do the right thing and know I'm that doing the right thing. I'm trying to become a better human every day. I just feel Allah. He's with me and I can't get him out of my head. I see this as a good thing but I am scared to talk about others about this. I'm scared that they think that I'm going to blow them up or something as I live in an atheist/christian country. I never had the courage to ask anyone about this. English is my third/fourth language so forgive me if I have said anything that comes off weird. I tried to explain everything as best as possible

Is this a normal occurrence for Muslims?

submitted by /u/Takamura-sama
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2Y4eIIX
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