May 2019

I have made face primers an essential part of my makeup routine because. Recently, I have started to notice some pores on my face which get accentuated by blush and highlighter. I have tried a primer from Smashbox and Benefit and they worked well for me, but I wanted to diversify, so bought this one by Tatcha. It had glowing reviews on the Sephora website so decided to utilize my sponsored product points on this beauty.

Tatcha The Silk Canvas Filter Finish Protective Primer outer packagingTatcha The Silk Canvas Filter Finish Protective Primer Review appeared first on


Greetings all - I have colleagues who are fasting and, as I won’t see them this week, I want to send them Eid wishes. I don’t want to mess this up so I don’t want to be too early or too late. I would welcome your advice. Many thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/pistachiomeeting
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from Islam

As-Salaam-Alaikum, brothers and sisters. I recently performed shahadah and have started my transition to Islam. I have recently told, my best friend who is like a brother to me. At the time he said he supported me as long as I was happy. Since then he has ignored all my messages and calls. I've also told my Christian parents, that went over terribly. Was basically disowned and told that I was going to hell. They said they could not believe I would do something to hurt them so much. I would imagine that this is a pretty common experience amongst people who reverted back to Islam? I'm currently in eastern China so it's very difficult for me go the mosque and met my fellow brothers and surround myself with my new family. I do plan on traveling to Xian to visit the mosque there next month. Then in August to Korea. Any help or advice will be deeply appreciated.

submitted by /u/GunnerinChina
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from Islam

Basically my local masjid is a really big one, and they're strict about no little kids. They stopped my sister and my niece from going in.

My niece is two and bless her when she was sleeping at night she started crying and just whimpered "People no let in. Me no pray" repeatedly. Hilariously heartbreaking. Broke her little heart.

submitted by /u/crickypop
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from Islam

Today, I am going to review Babyliss Paris Liss Brush 3D Hot Straightening Brush. To know more details on this hairstyling tool, please read further.

Babyliss Paris Liss Brush 3D Hot Straightening Brush fullBabyliss Paris Liss Brush 3D Hot Straightening Brush Review appeared first on


I am a convert myself and Ramadan in general can be lonely and even demoralizing for converts without having a muslim family to share. So try to invite your convert brothers and sisters to celebrations, meals, events etc. They might give you only a simple "thank you" but trust me, it can be a game changer for many.

submitted by /u/musulmana
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from Islam

Today at jummah, the imam announced that they were hosting a potuck dinner. He reminded everyone to avoid bringing dishes that use raw onion or garlic. He said something about these foods being something that should not be brought into the masjid.

Can anyone clarify this? Are raw onion and garlic haram?

submitted by /u/umbrabates
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from Islam

I always though zakat was 2.5% of what you have saved, but I hear that you pay on what you had a year ago, but what if the amount you have now is decreased or increased? Example to illustrate my question: if I had 10k last year during this time and today I have 7k, is my zakat 2.5% of the 10k or 7k? And what if the money had increased to 12k instead?

submitted by /u/computer_00
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from Islam

I want to learn more about why someone would become Sunni or Shi’a within Islam. What caused you to undertake your transition?

I’m not asking for debates or for there to be debate here. I just want to know peoples personal stories.


submitted by /u/PeaceBeWithYall
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from Islam

best sleep tracker apps featured image - snorelabs
A good night’s rest is very important to one’s health. Those who don’t get enough may not feel great during the day. Smartphones can’t do all the work. They can be helpful, though. There are apps out there that can track your sleep. It’ll tell you when you’ve been restless, how many times you woke up, etc. It’s a good way to help maintain your health. Here are the best sleep tracker apps for Android. There is apparently a Pokemon Sleep game coming in 2019 that should be fun as well so keep an eye out for that.

Alarm Clock Xtreme

Price: Free / $4.99
Alarm Clock Xrteme has a lot going on. It's technically an alarm clock app. However, it also comes with sleep tracking features. It features a variety of alarms. The idea is to help people who have trouble waking up by giving them a bunch of different ways to try. It'll save what time you go to bed and wake up every morning. It'll even analyze your sleep quality as well as quantity. They're not what you'd think of when it comes to sleep tracker apps. However, it doesn't do half bad.
Alarm Clock Xtreme

Do I Snore or Grind

Price: Free trial / Up to $5.99
Do I Snore or Grind is a simple sleep tracker app. It simply finds out if you snore or grind your teeth in your sleep. The free version allows for up to five nights of recording. The pro version removes that limitation. Some other features include tips on how to reduce both grinding and snoring as well as complete offline support. The app is usable in airplane mode if need be. You can use the app with your remedies to see if they're actually effective for you or not. It won't track your sleep as in-depth as other apps, but it can help fix some of the sleep problems you may be experiencing.
Do I Snore or Grind

Google Fit

Price: Free
Google Fit seems to do just about everything. It will track your activity, steps, calories, and even your sleep. The app is fairly basic. You just do things and enter them into the app as needed. The app then spits out your progress. The app comes with integration with a ton of other services. They include Runkeeper, MyFitnessPal, Lifesum, Sleep as Android, and several types of fitness trackers. It even works with Android Wear. It's one of the better sleep trackers. Especially if you use it with other apps.
Google Fit


Price: Free / $3.49
PrimeNap is the second rebranding of this app. However, the app is mostly the same despite its new digs and name. It features detailed graphs, a sleep debt analysis chart, alarm clock functionality, and even some extra stuff like a dream journal and a noise machine function. It also boasts minimal permissions and no subscriptions, both features that we appreciate. It's relatively new. At least compared to others on this list. However, it seems to work quite well.

Sleep Better with Runtastic

Price: Free / $1.99
Sleep Better with Runtastic is a silly name for an app. However, the app is actually pretty decent. It plugs right into Runtastic. Thus, you can use both apps to track your sleep and fitness. The app includes a sleep monitor feature, a sleep timer, and even the ability to track caffeine and alcohol intake. It lets you note your mood when you wake up as well. Like most, you'll have to put the phone in your bed with you so it can track your sleep accurately. It's free to download. The pro version goes for $1.99.

Sleep as Android

Price: Free / Up to $3.99
Sleep as Android is one of the original sleep tracker apps on mobile. It's been around long enough to mature into something really special. It'll track your sleep cycles like normal. It also comes with support for Android Wear, Pebble (RIP), and Galaxy Gear devices. The app can also integrate with Google Fit and Samsung Health. It can play binaural tones to help you sleep. It'll even act as an alarm clock that makes you solve a captcha before the alarm turns off. The free version is a two week free trial. After that you'll have to pay for it.

Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock

Price: Free / $29.99 per year
Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock is one of the more expensive sleep tracker apps. The free version has a fair set of features. It'll try to wake you up when it senses that you're ready to. It also offers sleep analysis, nightly sleep graphs, and various alarms. The premium version includes additional features. Some of it, like the Philips Hue integration is for iOS only. We thought that was lame. The premium version is a $29.99 per year subscription. We dunno if it's worth that. The free version is nice, though.
Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock

Sleep Time

Price: Free / $29.99 per year
Sleep Time is another one of the sleep tracker apps with a subscription price. It looks pretty decent, though. It has a variety of alarm clock settings. Additionally, it comes with sleep analysis, a wake-up algorithm that tries to wake you up when it thinks you're ready. It'll offer up all of your stats in graphs. Those are essentially the basics. You'll have to pay for some of the better stuff, but that's okay. It does the basics well enough.
Sleep Time


Price: Free / Up to $9.99
SnoreLab is one of the more unique sleep tracker apps. It actually doesn't do most of the basic stuff. This one just records you snoring. It'll detect when you do snore, log the times, and then record you doing it. It'll also measure the intensity, frequency, and more. You can even log when you've been doing things like drinking to see their effects on your snoring. It'll email the sound files to you as well for easy reference. It won't give you graphs based on your N3 deep sleep cycle, but it's amazing for snoring.

Fitness band and manufacturer apps

Price: Free (usually)
Fitness trackers and manufacturer apps make a lot of sense. You wear things like your Fitbit almost 24/7. The app can track your sleep. Why not use it for that? These have the advantage of being made for specific hardware. That means they can generally do a pretty decent job of recording stuff. There are also other apps like Samsung Health that have the same advantages. Samsung optimizes the app for the phones they make. Thus, it may be more accurate than a third party solution. Your mileage may vary. However, you may want to try these out before seeking third party solutions.
Fitness band and manufacturer apps

15 best Android fitness apps for Android (updated 2019)!

10 best clock apps and digital clock apps for Android

If we missed any of the best sleep tracker apps, tell us about them in the comments! You can also click here to check out our latest Android app and game lists!

from Apps & Games – Android Authority

~Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim~

Asalaam Alaikum wr wb,

I want to begin by highlighting that no community has treated me better than the ummah, Alhamdulillah. I feel so undeserving of such unwavering generosity and support.

But there’s also been a matter that’s been plaguing me as a female white muslim revert for the last 10 years. After discussing this with lots of other reverts, it sounds like this is actually quite a common experience we have regardless of our various ethnic backgrounds.

Basically without fail, anytime I go to ANY mosque I will get asked, “where are you from?”. It then goes one of two ways: that’s all they ask and then continue with whatever they’re doing (as if it’s a random screening question lol), or they might use that question to launch into what feels like an interrogation:

-But where are you really from? -Your parents? -Where do you live? -Which street? -Are you in school? -What do you do? -Are you married? -How did you convert to Islam? -What do your parents think of your conversion? -Do you have any siblings? -What’s your muslim name? -How come you don’t have one?

I absolutely dread this. I’m left feeling extremely uncomfortable and dehumanized even. Just because I am crossing paths with a fellow muslim, doesn’t mean they deserve to have full access to information about my personal life. It feels like a huge invasion of my privacy, as if I’m being exposed. It’s further complicated by the fact that some of my answers to these questions are deeply complex and might contain elements that aren’t exactly halal so isn’t something I’m quick to share in case they go haram police on me. I’m left feeling flustered because I don’t want to lie. Particularly regarding my conversion story, I find people anticipate the cliff notes version, which feels unfair and wrong to share as it wouldn’t be given proper justice.

99.9% of the time afterwards I don’t interact with these interrogators ever again; either it’s a one time encounter or if it’s with women at my local mosque they’ll just say salaams and that’s it. It feels very one-sided; like they only asked me all these questions to merely satiate their own curiosity. There was never any tangible purpose in questioning me. It’s like they forget that I’m human and that they wouldn’t like to have that done to them if the tables were turned.

What makes this most jarring is that I live in a very multicultural country and diverse area. In light of suddenly looking like a racial minority at the mosque, I still don’t believe it warrants such unsolicited questioning.

As I get older I’m also realizing that this could also be a huge safety issue. More and more I’m left feeling very paranoid as I don’t know what they are going to do with all the information they have about me now. Sadly, I’ve had instances where these questions were asked for ulterior motives: random offers of marriage and demands for money.

Present circumstances make it unable for me to wear my hijab out in public (please don’t ask me why in the comments lol). I look like any average white woman out there that no one would ever bother to ask where I’m from. But as soon as I’m at the mosque with my hijab on, my racial/ethnic background suddenly draws enormous interest. I have found that there is no other community that is this obsessed with what my background is. Usually people ask what my name is first when getting to know me, but at the mosque it always starts with “where are you from?”. It’s frustrating, why does this matter so much, and why should I feel pressured to answer things I don’t want to share?

It’s taken me 10 years to realize I can ask questions back! Ironically by doing this I’ve noticed how reluctant other people are to answer the very same questions they ask me. I try to make it more about them than me, and in that moment I think they realize how incredibly uncomfortable this is when it’s done to them (I hope). But here’s the thing: I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to play any games. And doing this still means I have to answer their questions first.

I completely acknowledge that I have brought this all on myself because I have given into the pressure in answering people’s questions. So while I might be annoyed by them doing this, I realize that I’m most annoyed with myself because I have not been able to deal with this in a skillful manner yet. I refuse to believe that this is just how it’s going to be and that I just need to accept it. No longer going to mosques is also not a viable solution because I shouldn’t have to feel like I can no longer go because of this. I’m finally at a point in my life where I feel comfortable speaking up (perks of getting older!). Here’s the problem, I am completely clueless about how to establish this boundary without it being too harsh. I keep wondering how our Holy Prophet (saw) would deal with this, but I’m truly drawing blanks.

How do I politely decline answering such personal questions without starting any drama or coming across as cold? I don’t want to cause any arguments, but I also know that I’m not responsible for how people choose to react and that I can no longer continue succumbing to this pressure either. I believe I can be more in control of these scenarios than I think, I’m just not sure how yet. It’s mostly other women that do this to me who are usually middle-aged, if that’s at all relevant to shaping your answers.

Jazakallah for your help!

TLDR: I look racially ambiguous in hijab which prompts Muslims at the mosque to ask where I’m from along with a string of other personal questions I don’t feel comfortable answering. How can I tell people to stop doing this in a way that’s peaceful, sets a boundary and doesn’t incite any conflict?

submitted by /u/cryptohobo
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from Islam

As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

I've been experiencing this strange phenomenon for every Ramadan that I can remember since becoming Muslim.

I always look forward to Ramadan and I feel the initial wave of happiness when that first Maghrib adhan comes in, and I always hope and expect to feel a significant boost in Iman.

But that feeling never comes. I've had brief glimpses where I've tasted the sweetness of Iman so I know what it feels like, and I always hope and expect that that feeling will come easy and often during Ramadan, but it never does. Instead I just feel nothing.

Usually during regular Salah I'm able to retain a small amount of khushu, but in Ramadan it's just completely gone. I don't feel any aversion or negative feelings towards Salah or ibadah, but I also don't feel any increase in Iman or khushu either. It just feels like nothingness.

And then that bums me out and make me think that perhaps I'm a munaafiq or Allah is angry with me or something and then it just sends me down the rabbit hole of sadness and hopelessness and apathy. I try to maintain focus in Taraweeh but inevitably my mind starts drifting because I don't understand most of the Arabic, and then I feel like I'm just going with the motions but I'm not really praying or accomplish anything, just going through the bodily movements but I don't feel anything in my heart.

I still go to Taraweeh as often as I can, and this year I made it my goal to memorize a particular surah which I've pretty much done, and I try to make extra Du'a, Sunnah prayers, all that. But I just feel nothing in my heart. Whereas outside of Ramadan, when I pray and am able to maintain some khushu, I get a bit of that feeling in my heart ya know. But in Ramadan it's just nothing.

I've talked to my wife and some close brothers about it but I seem to be the only one I know that experiences this. Maybe it's just from sins? Maybe I'm taking it too easy in Ramadan and I need to try harder (I did waste a lot of time this year and previous years). For me the difficult part of Ramadan isn't refraining from food and drink but refraining from the sins I still struggle with. So I fear my Ramadan and past Ramadans are probably not going to be accepted because of the hadith of "Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink". Then it kinda ruins Eid because I know I didn't do anything to deserve to celebrate.

Does anyone else experience this? Am I alone? It's making me start to almost dread the coming of Ramadan and look forward to its ending because I know it's just going to be this weird empty feeling depression cycle over and over, and I doubt that my Ramadan will be accepted from me.

And I'm not trying to be all "woe is me" and have anyone feel sorry for me or try to comfort me, I'm just wondering if anyone else experiences this and if anyone knows a practical solution to this problem.

JazakumAllah Khair wa BaarakAllahu Feekum

submitted by /u/mon0theist
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from Islam

Facial oils are a much-hyped skin care product and rightly so, they are totally worth the hype. Facial oils may add a extra step in your beauty ritual, but the effect beauty oils can have on your skin is really big. Facial oils when used correctly can be a complete game changer for your skin. Since ancient times, our grannies have been telling the importance of oils such as almond oil and coconut oil for hair and skin, and looks like they were absolutely right. Facial oils are officially approved worldwide and they can be used by all skin types. Already a fan of facial oils? Are you getting most out it? There are different ways to use facial oils to reap its full benefits. Let’s find out!

Do you put Face Oil Before or After Moisturizer

1. Apply oils after a water-based moisturiser: Always wondering whether to apply oil before or after a moisturiser? According to skin experts, facial oil can be applied after a water-based moisturiser. You can also use as your night cream and replace it with facial oil. If you have a dry skin and prefer heavy moisturisers, then apply oil and follow up with your moisturiser. This way you will optimise the facial oil’s benefits.

2. Mix it up: Now you know exactly how to achieve dewy skin makeup! Simply mix a few drops of facial oil with your moisturiser. Apply on your skin and get a dewy glow. The best part is that your makeup will glide as smooth as butter and your skin would get an extra dose of hydration, it’s a total win-win situation. Tip- Mix a drop of oil with your foundation for smooth application and extra glow.

3. Little is more: According to skin experts, you just need 3-6 drops of facial oil once or twice a day. If you have dry skin, you might need more. But it won’t be a good idea to be generous with facial oils as there can be chances of breakouts.

4. Choose the right facial oil keeping your skin type in mind: Choosing the correct oil for your skin type is very important, if you have oily skin, pick from these (tea tree, jojoba, marula, sesame, and hazelnut) as they are light and have low comedogenic rating. For normal and dry skin, heavier oils can be used like coconut, castor, almond, shea or olive.

5. Use facial oil as eye cream: The best part about facial oils is that they are free of chemicals and totally safe on skin. They can also be used on the most delicate areas of the face. You can use almost any facial oil as under-eye oil to moisturise and hydrate under eye area. Not only will facial oil hydrate the area with regular usage, it can also make your under eye area brighter and combat signs of ageing in the process.

Hope this article helps you achieve beautiful glowing skin, let us know your favourite oil in the comment below!


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I’ve seen too many bigots and islamophobes on reddit. Too many hate comments, too many false statements and objective and hypocritical claims. Too many rude and hate-driven posts. I know I have been browsing on the wrong side of reddit, but I need your help, I seriously do. I’m thinking of leaving Reddit entirely. The persecution is too much!

I just want your comfort. And please tell me how to deal with this. I’ve given debate worthy, correct, logical answers, and it never works.

Shaytaan has succeeded. I applaud him. An impressive feat it is- blinding billions of people into bigotry.

Again, please tell me how to deal with this Islamically and please tell me how I can calm down. Thank you so much, Jazakallah.

submitted by /u/NoPunIntended44
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from Islam

I am primarily a history buff and I occasionally research the Middle East and I was surprised to find that in the centuries before the rise of Saudi Arabia, Muslims would go to the graves of Islamic saints.

I am no expert in Islam, but I didn't think it recognized sainthood. Can someone explain saints in Islam to me?

submitted by /u/HistoryLord
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from Islam

In this post, I will be reviewing Kaya Derma Naturals Licorice Luminous Peel Off Mask. Read on for more details on this skincare product.

Kaya Derma Naturals Licorice Luminous Peel Off MaskKaya Derma Naturals Licorice Luminous Peel Off Mask Review appeared first on


Salam Alaikum,

I was listening to Brother Eddie Deen from the Deen Show interviewing Dr. Mustafa Khattab, and learned about this program where you can get a free Quran. This offer is limited to only the USA, but I will attach another PDF file of the english version of the Quran for other brother's and sister's out there living in other countries.

Free Quran [USA Only]

The Deen Show

PDF File

Hope this helps

May Allah Guide You to the Straight Path

submitted by /u/doggieblacks
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from Islam


sorrry to bother as i have this little problem and i am so confused right now

as what in the title,, im having wet dream in fasting period, and of course i woke up because of that

from my knowledge, when this happen, i have to take Junub bath immediately but my toilet and shower place is full at that time.. while im waiting, i fall asleep and woke up 5 hours later then i take the bath without delay.

the question is.. is my fast still valid ? if do, care to explain

thanks in advance

submitted by /u/skys0058
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from Islam

It must be evident by the number of Redken products I have been trying and reviewing that I am on an active spree of trying out different hair products by this brand. I have been doing so because of my new quest to achieve “no-frizz, natural, wavy-curly” hair. I use this styling cream from Redken as part of my effort to style my hair and obtain a frizz-free look. After several natural, sulphate-free products failed to work for me, I decided to invest in products that are meant specifically for curly and wavy hair. Instead of forcing your natural hair to be in the style they are not meant to be, it is better to embrace them the way they and style them the way they are meant to

The post Redken All Soft Heavy Cream Super Treatment Review appeared first on
