Salam. I’m a 17 year old currently applying/getting ready for university. I plan to go to the UK due to the high standards of education, and the fact that I have been educated by the British education system making this easier for me than applying elsewhere. Although university rank is important, personally environment an ease of living etc is just as important. I saw an article earlier on showing the rise in Islamophobic hate crimes rose by above 1000% since 2013, and this got my worried. Having grown up in a nonmuslim country I have had a lot of Islamophobic comments towards me and I and scared of this happening again in the future. What universities/areas in the UK are the safest and easiest for Muslims specifically students to live in, and advice to apply elsewhere is unneeded as I have already decided that the UK is the best destination for me, however what specific university/city is still to be decided. Thank you

submitted by /u/_hxd9
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