First of all, I’m an atheist. born to a muslim father and a catholic mother. I have had lots of education in regard to both, and there was a time when I prayed five a day and fasted whole months at age of 7. But as I grew fond of books of psychology, History and philosophy. I made my choices by 14 to be an atheist.

But in my heart still have love for my family; and I want Islam to be seen in a good light. I grew up in Muslim country where there was a lot of help to one another and my grandmother was very charitable. She would cook a pot of soup or stew and donate it to the food bank regularly. Women wore hijab and some didn’t. All were Muslims. And I never ever heard anyone utter a bad word or insulted an elder. So in a way. I respected women with Hijab a lot. And Muslim women in general. Young guys cursed often but never near elders.

Now, fast forward to London; I feel like I don’t need to tell you this here. I’m sure at one point or another you’ve meet a women with hijab being crazy to another person swearing, cursing, talking about crap or speaking ill of someone else. Please know that you are no longer Muslim if you do these things, and wearing a hijab is just a big f you to Those who are trying to maintain a good image of what Islam is and means. Say please, say thank you. Allah never said you can’t do that.

I could easily say that the majority of Muslims I meet in London are Hypocrites; most of them Never read the Koran, or practice any of the five pillars. And yet here they stand with Muslim attire, being a total hypocrite which is a major sin, check your Koran if you don’t believe me.

As for terror attacks, those are the most selfish acts of all. Even if suiciding will get you to heaven. You are doing It at the expense of the innocents, for your own selfish afterlife. Based on the behavior of rich Muslims this doesn’t surprise me either. Even though extravagance is a major sin too; they continue doing it to the extreme while continuing to call themselves muslim.

You should all be doing the first pillar. To get knowledge. That’s the first thing that Allah told The prophet. Concentrate on leading in technology and science.

submitted by /u/malmordar
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