Before I start this, I’m going to say that what I’m about to say will make this sub a laughing stock, and I know that you all won’t believe me, but that’s not going to stop me from at least telling you all. It happened, and whether you believe me or not doesn’t mean anything. I have nothing to gain.

Yesterday, I was sitting on a field alone, at around 9:30. It was pretty dark. I needed some time to think and clear my head, as I was going through an extremely difficult time. I started to sob to Allah that my life was in such a state, (both my parents had been taken away, and was living with a brother who severely disliked me, I thought that anyway)

I cried for about 2 minutes. Then I started to compose myself and took some deep breaths. I laid my head back against the raised grassy hill behind me and gazed at the stars. Upon gazing, I started to slightly cry at the power of Allah, couple of tears at the least. And just thought about his magnificent and power, and how people are foolish to not fear him.

While thinking this, here it goes, but the starts started to move. If any of you know a thing about science, you would be aware that the stars are extremely far away, so it’s only possible to see them move through the rotation of the earth or orbit around the sun, even then it’s inches or degrees at the least. So when I say the stars started to move, I’m not on about a few inches.

I could see around 7 or 8 stars in my field of view, and all of them just started to move as if someone was just toying with them. They moved back and forth, in the most random of directions, two stars which were far apart came almost right near each other and went straight past each other. I was terrified. I was in awe. I knew there was no possible way this could be an illusion. Allah moved the stars, he was toying with them, they were moving at such great speeds relative to my position it was insane. It was for me to witness, he wasn’t just doing it for no reason. I started to think that maybe it was just my eyes playing tricks when the stars started to settle, but as soon as that thought entered my mind, they moved again, he made sure that he left no doubt in my mind. I’m still in awe, I witnessed possibly the greatest miracle in modern history and no ones going to believe me, which is fine, I wouldn’t believe you! Haha. I mean can you imagine looking at the stars and they all of a sudden start moving as someone is just using his hand and ordering them about?

There’s no possible way for me to truly get you to comprehend what I say. But I suppose that isn’t the purpose of my post, nor to convince you. I wanted to say Allah is so kind, so merciful to his believing slaves that we truly don’t deserve him. I cried out of gratitude that he would do something like that for me. It also made me fear him a whole lot more. That was the main thing I got out of what I witnessed, what I saw was just a means although it changed my life and not a day will go by where I don’t think about what I saw.

Salam all.

submitted by /u/reallyeesah
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