
There are two types of people, those that do things so that they can gain benefit, and the other who do it because they have to. Ofcourse, you can see the effects of both mentalities and ultimately who will progress more than the other.

With Ramadan almost here, there is a very interesting hadith with regards to Fasting:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Whoever does not give up forged speech and evil actions, Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink (i.e. Allah will not accept his fasting.)" [Bukhari]

The whole purpose of fasting is to gain Taqwa, where a person stays away from things that are normally Halal so that they can continuously remind themselves to only do things that will please Allah(swt). Allah(swt) says don't eat and drink, so you won't eat and drink because Allah(swt) says so, and every time you feel like eating or drinking, you stop yourself by remembering your pledge to Allah(swt).

Think about this, if Halal things are made impermissible in Ramadan, what would be the status of Haram things in Ramadan? Therefore if you ask Ulama about the hadith mentioned above, they will tell you that fasting goes beyond food and drink and definitely includes sinful and even minor ones. Yes, maybe you won't eat or drink, but by still sinning, you're not learning anything from your fast and ultimately losing out on it's effects. Which is why the Prophet(saw) says "Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink", because not eating and not drinking has done nothing for you nor is that why Allah(swt) has restricted you, considering you can't even stay away from actual sins.

Seeing things you shouldn't, listening to Music, watching movies and things we shouldn't on youtube, going places you shouldn't, hanging out with non-mahram, inappropriate social media interactions, saying haram and the list goes on. People like to make excuses, "it's ok to watch this, what's wrong with it", yet how are you lowering your gaze when it's full of women not covered properly? You can't lower your gaze and watch something on a screen, therefore it's just an excuse to keep doing the same things over again with no worry about the effects.

Instead of gaining from our fast, we are just negating the effects, leaving us with an empty Ramadan. If we really want a meaningful Ramadan where Allah(swt) forgives our sins, we have to truly fast from not just food and drink, but the things that we should be fasting from even outside of Ramadan. It is the only way we will have meaningful change from a successful Ramadan.

submitted by /u/g3t_re4l
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