Saudis have spent billions of dollars in a religious program which job was to fund madarrasas in poor countries and spread wahabism. I am from Pakistan and here when government stopped funding madarrasas. Saudis started funding them. People sent their children here because here food was free, there was place to stay and you would get free education as well. This led to thousands of people send their children. And this led to spreading of Wahabism. Now from that it has led to extremism. Most religious nuts get out of these madarrasas who treat minorities unfairly, enforce Islam on others and spread terrorism. Even one of my relatives has been turned from a sunni to a wahhabi and the worrying thing is, she was a proper educated women. Also these wahabis believe that Shias are kafir, so does my relative thinks now which is extremely worrying. Also i have heard that if a wahabi person has the ability, he would run over a bulldozer over graveyards because they don't care about them.

Is wahabism really extreme? Why is Saudi Arabia spreading extremism? Are deobandis also extremists?

submitted by /u/RedPhantom081
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